Instrument | AML-6 | The AML-6 is a multi-parameter sonde, …
The AML-6 is a multi-parameter sonde, designed to combine CTD data with other oceanographic parameters such as Dissolved Oxygen, pH, ORP, or Fluorometric sensors. This instrument has six sensor ports on the endcap; the sensor payload is modular and can be field-swapped to meet project requirements.
New EU rules to combat money-laundering adopted
2024年4月24日 · The Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) package consists of the sixth Anti-Money Laundering (AML) directive (adopted with 513 votes in favour, 25 against, and 33 abstentions), the EU “single rulebook” regulation (adopted with 479 votes in favour, 61 against, and 32 abstentions), and the Anti-Money ...
AML- 6 多参数测量仪_富攸泽海洋科技 - FutureSea
6th Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Directive
2024年6月28日 · 6 th Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Directive Directive (EU) 2024/1640 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 May 2024 on the mechanisms to be put in place by Member States for the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing, amending Directive(EU) 2019/1937, and amending ...
AML- 6 CTD多参数剖面仪_青岛领海海洋仪器有限公司
AML-6多参数测量仪即可自容也可实时传输,本机可直接安装6个传感器,通过外接最多可集成8个传感器,可选声速、电导率温度传感器、压力、浊度及多款电缆外接传感器并集成路灯式UV紫外灯。 可长时间观测,适用于浮标、潜标等观测平台。 AML- 6. 多参数测量仪. 加拿大AML公司介绍: 加拿大 AML Oceanographic公司 (www.amloceanographic.com)设计、生产高精度测量仪器、设备,可用于海洋水文观测、环境监测、及其他水质测量应用。 自1974年成立以来,AML专注 …
Anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism ...
On 20 July 2021, the European Commission presented an ambitious package of legislative proposals to strengthen the EU’s anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) rules. The package also includes a proposal for the creation of a new EU authority to fight money laundering.
AML 6 lgr ctd sv 6000 m.html | AML Oceanographic Ltd
AML-6. AML Europe. GDPR.
- [PDF]
The AML-6 series of instruments is a highly configurable family of multiparameter sondes designed for a wide range of data collection applications. The ‘6’ designation refers to the number of X2 series sensors that may be simultaneously installed on the instrument’s endcap.
「AML-6多参数水质仪」 价格、参数、图片 - 仪器网
2025年1月23日 · aml-6系列是一个高度可配置的多参数传感器的仪器,设计用于广泛的数据采集应用。 数字“6”表示可以同时安装于 仪器端部上的X2系列传感器数量。
加拿大AML-6多参数分析仪可长时间观测,适用于浮标、潜标等观测平台。30G 内存,自容式内置可充电锂电池、磁开关,标准 外壳耐压 500m、可定制外壳耐压 6000m,长约 600mm,直径 100mm,测量电导(精确度 ±0.01*0.003mS/cm)、温度(精确度±0.005°C)、声速(精确度 0 ...