AML1/ETO and its function as a regulator of gene transcription via ...
2021年7月30日 · In this review, we describe the wide-ranging role of AML1/ETO in AML leukemogenesis, with a particular focus on the aberrant epigenetic regulation of gene …
AML 1-ETO融合蛋白致急性髓系白血病机制及靶向治疗 - 百度学术
AML1-ETO 基因是急性髓系白血病(Acute Myeloid Leukemia,AML)中最常见的融合基因之一,由 t (8;21)(q22;q22)染色体易位导致位于21q22上的 AML1基因(又名RUNX1基因)与8q22上的ETO …
【科普贴】AML1-ETO的前世今生 - 丁香园论坛 - DXY.cn
形成的AML1-ETO长这样,相应片段可以和下面黑色mRNA或者蛋白质作用; 最常见的两种形式. AML1-ETO又可以促进白血病(RUNX1-ETO Leukemia)的产生;又可以抑制产生;在不同共 …
t(8; 21)(q22;q22)是急性髓系白血病(aml)常见的染色体易位,该易位可产生特异aml1/eto融合基因,见于12%~20%的aml,尤其在m 2 型中,其发生率可高达40%~80 % 。
AML1/ETO accelerates cell migration and impairs cell-to-cell
2016年10月7日 · Our results suggest that AML1/ETO expression determines a more mobile and less adherent phenotype in preleukemic cells, therefore altering the interaction with the …
Definition of a small core transcriptional circuit regulated by AML1-ETO
2021年2月4日 · Transcription factors regulate gene networks controlling normal hematopoiesis and are frequently deregulated in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Critical to our understanding …
AML1 and the AML1-ETO fusion protein in the pathogenesis of t(8;21) AML
2001年10月8日 · The t(8;21) fusion generated in AML maintains the RHD of the AML1 protein and the N-terminal region whose importance is not clear and fuses it to virtually all of ETO .
RUNX1-ETO Leukemia - PubMed
AML1-ETO leukemia is the most common cytogenetic subtype of acute myeloid leukemia, defined by the presence of t(8;21). Remarkable progress has been achieved in understanding the …
不懂就问 | 融合基因AML-ETO患者容易出现髓外白血病!治疗方案需注意这4点|肿瘤|aml…
2024年3月14日 · aml1-eto属于一种融合基因,患者一般被临床评估为低危险性。 如果此基因阳性患者同时伴有c-KIT基因变异,可能会分入中度危险组;同时,还应关注c-KIT变异的位点是否 …
Definition of a small core transcriptional circuit regulated by AML1-ETO
2021年2月4日 · Transcription factors regulate gene networks controlling normal hematopoiesis and are frequently deregulated in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Critical to our understanding …
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