AML12 - CRL-2254 - ATCC
The AML12 (alpha mouse liver 12) cell line was established from hepatocytes from a mouse (CD1 strain, line MT42) transgenic for human TGF alpha. By electron microscopy, these cells exhibit typical hepatocyte features such as peroxisomes and bile canalicular like structure.
细胞描述:AML12(Alpha Mouse Liver 12)细胞是从携带人TGF -α基因的转基因小鼠 (CD1 株,MT42 系)的肝细胞中建立。 通过电镜观察,这些细胞表现出典型的肝细胞
Huh 7、HepG2、AML 12、原代肝细胞高脂细胞模型建立方法(细 …
本文采用300μmol/L棕榈酸钠溶处理原代肝细胞,两种人肝细胞系-Huh7和HepG2以及小鼠肝细胞系-AML12,36小时后,成功建立肝细胞高脂细胞模型(细胞脂毒性模型),基于该模型添加他莫昔芬(10、20、40μM),实验数据共同表明他莫昔芬可以有效地保护肝细胞免受体外 ...
AML12细胞培养,小鼠正常肝细胞培养攻略 - 知乎
aml12,小鼠正常肝细胞,是从携带人tgf -α基因的转基因小鼠(cd1株,mt42系)的肝细胞中构建的,属于原代永生化细胞,可用于研究肝脏疾病的发生发展。
aml12细胞系源自3个月龄的cd1-mt42转基因小鼠(品系),这些小鼠的肝脏细胞被转染了人源tgf-α基因。 AML12细胞系由小鼠肝脏正常细胞建立,专为研究TGF-α的作用而开发。
中国科学院典型培养物保藏委员会细胞库/中国科学院上海生命科学 …
AML12(Alpha Mouse Liver 12)细胞从携带人TGF -α基因的3月龄转基因小鼠(CD1株,MT42系)的正常肝细胞中分离建系,是良好的转染宿主并用于毒理学研究。 通过电镜观察,该细胞表现出典型的肝细胞特征,如过氧化物酶体和胆管状结构。
AML12(小鼠肝12)细胞系是从携带人TGF-alpha基因的转基因小鼠(CD1 株,MT42系)的肝细胞中构建的。 AML12细胞保留了表达血清
Cellosaurus cell line AML12 (CVCL_0140)
Cellosaurus AML12 (CVCL_0140) [Text version] Cell line name: AML12: Synonyms: AML-12; AML 12; Alpha Mouse Liver 12: Accession: CVCL_0140: Resource Identification Initiative: To cite this cell line use: AML12 (RRID:CVCL_0140) Comments: Doubling time: 37 hours (PubMed=7904757).
Suitability of hepatocyte cell lines HepG2, AML12 and THLE-2 for ...
2018年10月24日 · Immortal hepatocyte cell lines are widely used to elucidate insulin-dependent signalling pathways and regulation of hepatic metabolism, although the often tumorigenic origin might not represent the metabolic state of healthy hepatocytes. We aimed to investigate if murine cell line AML12 and human ce …
Response to oxidative stress of AML12 hepatocyte cells with …
2023年8月20日 · AML12 is a hepatocyte-like cell line. (A) RT-PCR to identify the expression of hepatic genes on AML12 cells. Gapdh gene was used as a positive control. (B) Western blot for MSRA protein expression on AML12 cells. Recombinant MSRA and mouse liver extract were used as positive controls, and negative controls consisted of liver extract from the ...
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