『珍藏版』阴阳相济的中庸之道——AMPK和mTORC1营养感知与 …
研究表明,AMPK至少可以通过两条相互平行的途径来抑制mTORC1:其一是通过磷酸化TSC2以直接抑制RHEB和mTORC1的活力;其二是通过直接磷酸化mTORC1复合体上的RAPTOR,造成复合体结构上的变化从而抑制该复合体的活力。 这种进化上的“双保险”很可能确保了mTORC1可以在营养物质或者能量水平下降之时被有效地抑制(图4)。 尽管它们是激活的条件恰好是相反的,AMPK和mTORC1这两种激酶复合体却能使用相同的分子v-ATPase和Ragulator,在溶酶体 …
图说AMPK及其信号通路的功能 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
ampk作为调控能量稳态的重要激酶,是真核生物细胞和有机体代谢的中心调节剂之一,负责监管细胞的能力输入和输出,维持细胞生理活动的平稳运转。同时,ampk也是一个参与多种信号传导通路的关键蛋白。 ampk可以阻止…
AMPK and mTOR: The Connection for Metabolic Regulation
2025年3月18日 · Additionally, AMPK directly phosphorylates Raptor, a component of mTORC1, further inhibiting its activity. A 2021 study in The Journal of Clinical Investigation highlighted how fluctuations in AMPK-mTOR signaling influence metabolic disorders, showing that impaired AMPK activation leads to unchecked mTOR activity, exacerbating insulin resistance.
mTOR/AMPK signaling in the brain: Cell metabolism, proteostasis …
The mechanistic (or mammalian) target of rapamycin (mTOR) and the adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) regulate cell survival and metabolism in response to diverse stimuli such as variations in amino acid content, changes in ...
AMPK and mTOR in cellular energy homeostasis and drug targets
The AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a cellular energy sensor and signal transducer that is regulated by a wide array of metabolic stresses. These two pathways serve as a signaling nexus for regulating cellular metabolism, energy homeostasis, and cell growth, and dysregulation of each pathway may contribute to the development of metabolic ...
AMPK/mTOR信号通路的研究进展-【维普期刊官网】- 中文期刊服 …
AMPK作为一种关键的生理能量传感器,是细胞和有机体能量平衡的主要调节因子,协调多种代谢途径,平衡能量的供应和需求,最终调节细胞和器官的生长。 能量代谢平衡调控是由多个与之相关的信号通路所介导,其中AMPK/mTOR信号通路在细胞内共同构成一个合成代谢和分解代谢过程的开关。 此外,AMPK/mTOR信号通路还是一个自噬的重要调控途径。 本文着重于目前对AMPK和mTOR信号传导之间关系的了解,讨论了AMPK/mTOR在细胞和有机体能量稳态中的作用。
How does mTOR sense glucose starvation? AMPK is the usual …
2020年4月22日 · mTORC1 is inhibited by AMPK-dependent and -independent mechanisms upon glucose depletion. mTORC1 recruitment to the lysosomal membrane is critical for mTORC1 activation in response to glucose....
Computational modeling of AMPK and mTOR crosstalk in
2023年7月17日 · Here, we develop a computational model of synaptic signaling resulting in the activation of two protein kinases critical in metabolic regulation and cell fate, AMP-Activated protein kinase (AMPK)...
AMPK 通路 | Cell Signaling Technology
AMPK 是脂代谢和糖代谢的主要调控分子,因此可作为 2 型糖尿病、肥胖症和癌症的潜在治疗靶标。在许多物种中,AMPK 可以通过与 mTOR 和 sirtuins 相互作用作为衰老的重要调节物。
AMPK: guardian of metabolism and mitochondrial homeostasis
2017年10月4日 · AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a highly conserved sensor of low intracellular ATP levels that is rapidly activated after nearly all mitochondrial stresses,...