Patria AMV - Wikipedia
The Patria AMV (Armoured Modular Vehicle) is an 8×8 multi-role military vehicle produced by the Finnish defence industry company Patria. The main feature of the AMV is its modular design, which allows the incorporation of different turrets, weapons, sensors, or communications systems on the same carriage
Patria AMV XP - Number 1 in the battlefield
Patria AMV XP 8x8 is an a state-of-the-art modular, and robust armoured wheeled vehicle providing superior fire power, protection, and mobility. Our combat proven AMV family has gained experience from various operations and has become the …
模组化轮型装甲车(AMV) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
AMV以标准化八轮底盘搭配不同的任务装备模组,进而衍生出完整的装甲车系,并能根据客户的需求选择所使用的配备如装甲套件、炮塔、动力包件、电源与核生化防护装置等等,这种弹性概念在2000年代初期许多欧美先进装甲车系列上都能见到。 AMV第一个概念模型年2000年公开,当时搭配的是一具AMOS迫击系统。 AMV的模组化设计分为两个部分,第一是车辆本身次系统模组,包括动力系统、空调、NBC防护系统、悬吊承载等;第二则是任务模组,包括各型武器系统、炮塔 …
帕提亚8×8轮式装甲车 - 百度百科
帕提亚8×8轮式装甲车是芬兰帕提亚防务集团公司研制的模块化、家族化装甲车,具备出色的越野能力和多种武器配置选项,是芬兰国防军及国际市场上的重要装备。 由于子系统实现了全模块化,因此,整个项目的成本被大大降低。 AMV 8×8装甲车家族包括装甲人员输送车 (Armoured Personnel Carrier)、轮式步兵战车 (Infantry Fighting Vehicle)、AMOS 重型迫击炮 系统 (Heavy Mortar System)、装甲指挥车 (Command Post)、装甲修理车 (Workshop)和战地救护车 …
Patria AMVXP Armoured Modular Vehicle, Finland - Army Technology
2024年3月8日 · Patria AMV XP is the latest version of the Patria 8×8 multi-role armoured modular vehicle (AMV) developed by Finnish firm Patria. The vehicle aims to provide extra payload, performance and protection. It carries advanced mission equipment to provide enhanced operational capabilities in modern warfare.
Patria Armoured Modular Vehicle, Finland - Army Technology
2024年2月6日 · The Patria AMVXP 8×8 is the latest version incorporating an integrated terrain control system and a powerful engine with a rated power of 450kW. It is an innovative modular and durable AMV that offers greater firepower, protection, and mobility.
2019年5月26日 · 芬兰帕提亚AMV 8×8轮式装甲车主要是一个通用化的车体平台,基本型号的AMV装甲车的车身设计采用8X8的设计,车身长度为长度7.7米、宽度2.8米、高度 2.3米、重16~27吨。 它的高度跟当时的帕提亚公司正在生产的XA-200装甲车低,据该公司介绍是为了缩小车体的正面投影,降低正面的中弹面积。 而重量之所以在14-24吨之间变化是因为AMV装甲车是一个装甲车家族,根据安装系统的不同战斗全重会有变化,基本上车体净重在14吨、战斗全重最大 …
Patria AMV XP Finnish 8x8 APC | Full spec's, operators & variants
In December 2022, the Japanese Ministry of Defense placed a formal order for the Patria AMV XP. In 2023 Patria signed a licensing agreement with Japan Steel Works Ltd to manufacturer the AMV XP for the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force as …
Modular armored vehicle Patria AMV 8x8 - Đuro Đaković
The Patria AMV 8×8 Modular Wheeled Armored Vehicle is a multipurpose defence vehicle whose series production is based on the collaboration with the Finnish company Patria Land & Armament Oy, achieved through the complete transfer of technology.
Patria AMV XP - Army Recognition
According to a press release published on October 5, 2020, the 8x8 armored combat vehicle, AMV XP manufactured by the Finnish company Patria has been selected for the second phase of the Bulgarian vehicle acquisition program based on a tender phase.