AMX-50 - Wikipedia
The AMX 50 (official designation) or AMX-50 is a French heavy tank designed in the immediate post Second World War period. It was proposed as, in succession, the French medium, heavy, and main battle tank, incorporating many advanced features. It was cancelled in the late 1950s due to unfavourable economic and political circumstances after ...
法国福煦坦克歼击车,一个火力强大但并不实用的歼击车 - 知乎
福煦坦克歼击车是二战后法国以AMX-50 (120)底盘为基础,研发的一款重型坦克歼击车,旨在配合坦克部队完成对敌方坦克的猎歼的任务,不过福煦坦克歼击车项目并没有走向服役,而是在50年代初草草结束。 二战过后的法国一直致力于坦克工业的恢复,第一款比较成功的坦克是AMX-50 (100),虽然他的火力和机动等还算不错,但是整体重量太大,防护力太差。 接下来设计师将重点放在AMX-50(120))身上。 也许是二战柏林阅兵后,苏军的IS-3重型坦克给英、法等国深深 …
AMX-50重型坦克 - 百度百科
AMX-50重型坦克(英文:AMX-50 Heavy Tank [1]),是20世纪40年代后期法国研究试制的一型重型坦克。 AMX-50重型坦克,采用德国坦克两侧9个负重轮底盘方案,安装法国研制的摇摆式炮塔。 在研制中试制了两种型号,配装100毫米主炮的AMX-50-100和配装120毫米主炮的AMX-50-120坦克。 AMX-50重型坦克在经历了漫长的设计研制过程后,虽然通过了法国军方的测试,但因北约标准的实施,该坦克并未服役。 由于各种原因,该型坦克只试制了5辆样车,没有正式定型投产 …
AMX-50 French Heavy Tank
The AMX-50 was a serie of innovative French postwar heavy tanks using the oscillating turret to mount 100 to 120 mm high velocity guns.
AMX50坦克发展史......附带FCM 50T - 百度贴吧
1950年间,一种基于AMX M4底盘,并以福煦元帅斐迪南·福熙命名的重型坦克歼击车Automoteur AMX 50 Foch被设计出来,它计划装备一种自主研发的120mm炮。 它的理念是为装备了100mm炮的中型或者被称为重型坦克的AMX 50坦克提供远距离火力支援。
First SPG in liberated France: AMX 50 Foch | Artillery - Military …
2025年1月24日 · The AMX 50 Foch self-propelled gun, named after the French commander of the First World War Ferdinand Foch, was based on the chassis of the AMX 50 M4 tank. The hull of the original tank was significantly redesigned.
AMX-50 Foch | War Thunder Wiki
The AMX-50 Foch is quite a sturdy tank destroyer, it has enough armour to withstand regular APHE and AP projectiles, except for APCR and HEAT-FS, which start to be more common around its BR. It is not the fastest or most agile tank destroyer in the game, but for its size, is quite agile, but since it uses a fixed gun and not a turret, it is ...
AMX-50 Heavy Tank Project - Military Factory
2019年8月20日 · The AMX-50 was a promising French heavy tank venture appearing shortly after World War 2. France, in an effort to reassert its global position as a world military power, took to design of new tanks almost immediately after Paris was liberated by …
AMX 50 Foch:回顾,特点,对比 - WoT Asia
AMX 50 Foch回顾视频内容包括了战车的主要特点及战斗表现。 法国在20世纪40年代末到20世纪50年代初,正在发明一种重型坦克歼击车。 该项目受到第二次世界大战德国坦克歼击车的影响。
AMX 50 Foch - FirearmCentral Wiki
The AMX 50 Foch is a French self-propelled gun developed from the AMX 50 / M 4.