ArtStation - AMX-30
AMX-30, in my opinion, is one of the aesthetic examples of tanks of the time. Tank without tracks: 113k tris. Tank with tracks: 214 tris. Texture sets: 4 4k, 1 1k.
AMX-30主力戰車 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
AMX-30 是一款由 AMX公司 和GIAT(現 奈克斯特系統公司)研發的 主力戰車,從1966年開始服役於 法國陸軍,前5輛被交付給第501戰車團(法語: Régiment de Chars de Combat),在冷戰時期是法國陸軍裝甲部隊唯一裝備的主力戰車,直至1990年代中期才逐漸被 勒克萊爾戰車 ...
ArtStation - French main battle tank AMX-30
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ArtStation - AMX-30 Pluton TNML
AMX-30 Pluton TNML French Army Cold war 70s/80s https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pluton_(Kurzstreckenrakete) Low Poly 3d Model (620KB) created for Order of Battle / Panzer Corps 2 - Peoples General
AMX-30 - Desktop Wallpapers, Phone Wallpaper, PFP, Gifs, and …
Discover stunning AMX-30 fan art and wallpapers for your desktop and phone. Immerse yourself in the world of this iconic tank with our curated collection of digital masterpieces.
AMX-30 by oscerF on DeviantArt
2022年3月8日 · The AMX-30 is a main battle tank designed by Ateliers de construction d'Issy-les-Moulineaux (AMX, then GIAT) and first delivered to the French Army in August 1965. The first five tanks were issued to the 501st Régiment de Chars de …
AMX-30 ACRA by oscerF on DeviantArt
2022年3月5日 · The AMX-30 ACRA was a prototype modification of the AMX-30 main battle tank developed in the late 1960s for the French army. Similar to the American M551 Sheridan, the prototypes were fitted with a 142 mm cannon to fire the prototype missile "Anti-Char Rapide Autopropulsé" (Self-Propelled Rapid Anti-Tank Missile), or ACRA in short.
AMX-30 by melkorius on DeviantArt
2009年10月25日 · The AMX-30 is a main battle tank designed by GIAT, first delivered to the French Army in 1966. The first five tanks were issued to the 501st Régiment de Chars de Combat (Tank Regiment) in August of that year. The production version of the AMX-30 weighed 36 metric tons (40 short tons), and sacrificed protection for increased mobility.
AMX-30 - Wikipedia
The AMX-30 is a main battle tank designed by Ateliers de construction d'Issy-les-Moulineaux (AMX, then GIAT) and first delivered to the French Army in August 1966. The first five tanks were issued to the 501st Régiment de Chars de Combat (Tank Regiment) in August of that year.
AMX-30主战坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2025年3月15日 · AMX-30 是一款由 AMX公司 和GIAT(现 奈克斯特系统公司)研发的 主战坦克,从1966年开始服役于 法国陆军,前5辆被交付给第501坦克团(法语: Régiment de Chars de Combat),在冷战时期是法国陆军装甲部队唯一装备的主力坦克,直至1990年代中期才逐渐被 勒 …
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