AN/SPS-40 - Wikipedia
The AN/SPS-40 is a United States Navy two-dimensional, long range air search radar that is capable of providing contact bearing and range. It was replaced by the AN/SPS-49 on newer …
AN/SPS-40 - Radartutorial
The AN/SPS-40 is the primary shipboard long-range, high-powered, two-dimensional (2D), surface and air search radar for detection of targets at long and medium ranges. It provides 10 …
Radar Lab: AN/SPS-40C, Long Range Air Search Radar
This radar lab looks at M.O.P.A style, pulsed coherent compression radar technology using the SPS-40 series radar. The focus is on the technology behind the radar. Showing 1 - 4 of 960 …
The SPS-40 is a two-dimensional air search and surveillance radar used by surface ships to detect airborne targets at long and medium ranges.
The U.S. Navy: Shipboard Radars | Proceedings - U.S. Naval …
The SPS-40 is a widely used UHF- band 2-D air search radar capable of very long-range detections. It is fitted in 125 cruisers, destroyers, frigates, amphibious ships, and some large …
AN/SPS-40 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The AN/SPS-40 is a United States Navy two-dimensional, long range air search radar that is capable of providing contact bearing and range. It was used on Perth-class destroyers, …
AN/SPS-40 - 华文百科 - wikii.one
an/sps-40是美国海军二维远程空中搜索雷达,能够提供接触轴承和范围。它被新船上的an/sps-49取代,并在接受新威胁升级的船上取代了它。 sps-40是一种真空管设计,众所周知,它对 …
AN/SPS-40 - Shipbucket Wiki
The AN/SPS-40 is a 2D long range air search radar that was used mostly by US Navy ships. It was developed in the 1960's. The radar uses the UHF band, which was at the time the …
AN/SPS-40 Air Search Radar - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · The AN/SPS-40 2D Air Search Radar provides target detection and tracking for long range surveillance, self defense, and fire control system designation. This long range 2 …
The increased use of solid-state design and modular construction in the AN/SPS-40 radar results in a longer mean time between failures (MTBF) and a shorter mean time to repair (MTTR). …