Reply To: Need to run IcePak in parallel on a Windows desktop
Hello Chris, Are you looking for simply running Icepak on the local machine, utilizing additional cores? For example running on local workstation using 8 cores? If so, you set this up by going to Solve -> Settings -> Parallel and setting Parallel and # …
Reply To: How to carryout analysis of thermoelectric cooler in …
Ansys Employee Hi Ajith, nPlease refer to the tutorial in our online help guide.nSatyajeetn ×. Please ...
Ansys Innovation Space - Ansys Learning Forum
Also, just for a kick, Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTSpaceClaim.AnsysSCDM.192 again and remove/delete the 'Path' , close the registry editor, then open up an elevated CMD Prompt and issue the following command (this is one line) reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTSpaceClaim.AnsysSCDM.192 /v Path /t Reg_Sz /d "C:Program …
Reply To: Icepak Mesh Quality - Ansys Learning Forum
4. When I copy this one into Icepak I get convergence problems. The simulation initially starts converging, but before it reaches the limits the Energy part starts to diverge wildly, and the velocity components do the same soon after. If I catch the simulation at the best convergence point then the results seem logical.
Re: Issuance of Thermal analysis by Ansys icepack - Ansys Learning …
Hello PINAKPANI BANERJEE Regarding your question on Ansys Icepak, please post it on ANSYS Customer Portal or Ansys Learning Forum based on the type of license that you have. This ANSYS Discovery Community Forum is intended for seeking help on ANSYS Discovery products. Thank you for your understanding! Regards.
Reply To: Parallel Meshing in Icepak - Ansys Learning Forum
Notice:The Ansys Innovation Space (AIS) will undergo scheduled maintenance from June 6th to June 17th. During this time, all AIS sites will be available in read-only mode. This means you will not be able to create any new forum posts on the Ansys Learning Forum, but …
Reply To: EM Loss Not Importing to Icepak in AEDT - Ansys …
The 1750? temperature is right. I put 500W into a 25mm diameter air-cooled loop, so obviously that's ludicrous. I just wanted to see if the solver was working. I'm using Icepak within AEDT, version 2020R2.nI feel like an idiot...I didn't even know there pre-built examples for the EM/Icepak link. Regardless, coil_plate.aedt doesn't work, either, and […]
Reply To: Geometry editor was closed abnormally - Ansys Learning …
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Reply To: Icepak Assembly - Ansys Learning Forum
Notice:The Ansys Innovation Space (AIS) will undergo scheduled maintenance from June 6th to June 17th. During this time, all AIS sites will be available in read-only mode. This means you will not be able to create any new forum posts on the Ansys Learning Forum, but …
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