ANS-069 Special Bulletin - AO-51 Second Repeater ... - QRZ Forums
2010年3月11日 · ANS-069 Special Bulletin - AO-51 Second Repeater Configured to Support K4T DXpedition Discussion in ' Amateur Radio News ' started by K9JKM , Mar 11, 2010 . Thread Status:
AO-40 experiment leads successful acquiring of GPS signals on …
2025年3月11日 · The results of the AO-40 experiment jump started a game-changing transformation in navigation at HEO/GEO altitudes, enabling new and exciting missions in these orbits. Frank KA3HDO is also named as a consultant on the international team that developed the current Moon lander package named LuGRE.
Use of AO-51 During JOTA - QRZ Forums
2005年9月26日 · The following information from Mike Kingery KE4AZN Amsat Vice President Operations, concerning the availability of the AO-51 satellite during JOTA. 73 Trevor M5AKA Publicity Manager AMSAT-UK----Use of AO-51 During JOTA The annual Boy and Girl Scouts "Jamboree on the Air" Amateur Radio event is scheduled for 15 and 16 October 2005.
New M2 LEO antenna system available through AMSAT - QRZ …
2015年3月10日 · Just worked KB6OBX, a brand spanking new sat op in DM13, on a late night SO-50 pass... It was a very low, short pass, but I would venture to say he must be using his new M2 LEO-Pack antennas...
McMurdo Station Antarctica KC4USV - QRZ Forums
2010年11月27日 · AA2IP Herb contacted me that he will be active on Amateur Satellites during his 30 day trip around Antarctica. He will be leaving the Falkland Islands on 30 November, circumnavigate Antarctica with possible stop at McMurdo, then on to Hobart, Tazmania 3 Jan. He is looking at AO-51 and HO-68 with his Hand Held.
2024年9月22日 · Este processo foi projetado para ajudar a garantir a integridade e a precisão dos dados dos indicativos, proteger a privacidade daqueles que usam o banco de dados e dificultar que golpistas e spammers pareçam legítimos ao serem listados no banco de dados. Apenas operadores de rádio amador licenciados podem ser listados no banco de dados.
Longest Operating Satellite Celebrates 50th Anniversary
2024年11月15日 · The one I really miss was AO-13 ; with it's "Molniya" elliptical orbit, DX could be worldwide when it was at the highest point of its orbit. I remember working a Japanese station once on it; AO-13's footprint was wide enough that it …
James A Jordan, K4FLG SK December 27, 2024 | QRZ Forums
2024年12月27日 · James A. Jordan, 81 of Dalton GA passed away on December 27, 2024 at his home surrounded by his loved ones. He was preceded in death by his wife of 49 years Marie Jordan, parents James Clinton and Lucille Jordan, sister Billie Smith, brothers in law Jim Smith, and Bill Decker all of Dalton, GA.
Bob Hall KI7PM SK January 27, 2025 | QRZ Forums
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2025 10:58:26 MST It is with great sadness that I let you know Bob Hall, KI7PM, passed away this morning at 4:00 AM. Bob has been a member since 2005. Bob was the clubs vice-president for 4 years.
Emory (TX) April 27, 2024 | QRZ Forums
2024年1月25日 · Emory Hamfest April 27 at the Rains County Fairgrounds 159 W Lennon Dr Emory Texas. 7 Am to 1:30 PM. Hourly door prizes, and grand prize drawing at noon. $5 admission, tables $10 each, additional prize tickets available. Covered space available, bring your own table and chairs, or tailgate.