Angle of bow changed by course? how do you measure?
2020年5月1日 · Angle on Bow (AoB) is best thought of as thinking of a sailor standing on the bow of the target ship looking at your submarine. It does not measure your course, but rather your current position in relation to the target's course. It, plus your course, speed, target speed, distance, etc, goes into the target computer to generate a torpedo intercept.
How to Calculate Angle on Bow!! | Uboat | B131 - YouTube
In this short tutorial, we cover how to gain an Angle on Bow (AoB) calculation.____________________________________________________________________Join this ...
Uboat Angle on Bow Tutorial! :: UBOAT General Discussions
2024年9月2日 · 🌊 Welcome to the Ultimate Guide to Angle on Bow (AoB) in Uboat! 🌊 In this comprehensive tutorial, we'll dive deep into mastering the Angle on Bow (AoB) using in-game tools and the Attack Disk Mod. You can easily calculate AoB in any submarine simulation. Once you have enemy course, own course, and some plotting tools.
2025年2月28日 · 我这么给你说吧,最简单的: AOB A=从你的潜艇船头,你的航线开始,画延长线 B=敌人的船头,敌人的航线开始,画延长线 O=A和B两个延长线的交汇处 AOB角=A和B两个延长线的交汇处的夹角,内角哈,你别测外角 敌对往你的左边走,在红区输入角度,正负你别管了
How to use AOB? :: UBOAT General Discussions - Steam Community
2024年8月28日 · AOB is one of the hardest parameters to get right. Its counter intuitive, remember you are setting the angle that is where your U Boat is from the perspective of the target.
Uboat Ultimate AoB Tutorial: Dominate with In-Game Map Tools ... - YouTube
🌊 Welcome to the Ultimate Guide to Angle on Bow (AoB) in Uboat! 🌊 In this comprehensive tutorial, we'll dive deep into mastering the Angle on Bow (AoB) using in-game tools and the Attack...
UBOAT攻略二:潜艇攻击流程及鱼雷数据计算 - 百度贴吧
这是关于UBOAT的第二篇教程,主要讲解潜艇的拦截攻击流程,以及目视计算鱼雷数据的方法。 要想击沉商船,首先必须找得到它们,游戏中寻找船队的方法无外乎三种,目视搜索、无线电 …
UBOAT – Guide for Manual TDC (Using Mapwork or Attack Tools)
2019年5月8日 · The AOB (Labeled as “Course” Tool) works off of what you see relative from your boat. You have a 360 degree compass that represents view points from your boat, and a plastic strip that points to where your target is.
Targeting | Uboat Wiki | Fandom
The "Attack Disk" is a circular slide rule for calculating "Angle On Bow" (AOB), the angle between the target's current course and the uboat's current position (as seen from the target), which will help to calculate the intercept point.
Any better ways to measure AoB? : r/uboatgame - Reddit
Even for the raobf you need the course and instead of turning the wheel you could just make a one step conversion to AoB when including the bearing. Alternatively you could attack with methods that don't require AoB measurement e.g. the Ausdampfverfahren. The sharper the AOB, the easier it is to estimate.