AOR U.S.A., INC. Orange, CA U.S.A. Home Page
AOR already offers unique and very powerful solutions for the PC-less decoding of all the major digital modes present in the VHF and UHF bands (TETRA, DMR, NXDN, D-STAR, dPMR, APCO 25, YAESU, ALINCO, D-CR).
NEW: OPTIONAL TRUNKED TETRA GSSI GROUP FILTERING! AR-DV10 100kHz-1300MHz, Digital Receiver. Cellular frequencies blocked on USA version; unblocked version available to qualified entities, documentation required. ... MANUAL FIRMWARE AOR WINDOWS SOFTWARE AOR BROWSER BASED SOFTWARE 3 RD PARTY SOFTWARE. NEW! Fun experiments with AR-DV10 (221k ...
AR-DV1 | RECEIVERS | AOR,LTD. Authority On Radio …
AOR BROWSER BASED SOFTWARE 3 RD PARTY SOFTWARE. Radiolife (JP) 2019/03 AR-DV1 Trunk Tetra mode review (41kB) (c) Courtesy of Sansai Books Ltd. Radiouser (UK) Jan.2016 review (504kB) (c) Courtesy of PW Publishing Ltd. which retains the copyright. WRTH 2016 review (347kB) (c) Published by kind permission of WRTH Publications Ltd. www.wrth.com.
AOR AR-DV10 TETRA Digital Scanner DMR D-STAR C4FM dPMR …
The AR-DV10 digital AOR scanner is designed to meet the needs of SWL headsets and security professionals. With its wide frequency range from 100 kHz to 1300 MHz , this device is capable of receiving a wide variety of digital radio signals and modes such as: TETRA* , DMR(Tier1/2/Motrbo ), NXDN (6.25k), dPMR (446 Tier1), APCO25(Phase1 ), D ...
AR-DV10 | RECEIVERS | AOR,LTD. Authority On Radio …
new: optional trunked tetra gssi group filtering! ar-dv10 100khz-1300mhz, digital receiver. brochure manual firmware aor windows software aor browser based software 3 rd party software. ... aor logo caps; other products; ard300; ard9800; ard9900; crystal products; tuning forks; crystal units; crystal filters; crystal oscillators ; services;
浩普興業有限公司 -- AOR Ltd. 發布其AR-DV1 / DV10接收機之革 …
AR-DV1和AR-DV10 100kHz-1300MHz寬頻接收機可解碼多種數位通訊協議訊號,例如TETRA(直通模式,載入GSSI※的中繼模式)、 DMR、NXDN(具有15位元解碼)、D-STAR、DPMR、APCO 25、YAESU、ALINCO、D-CR,當然也能接收傳統的類比訊號,例如 FM、AM、USB、LSB和CW。 ※ 若要啟用此PRO功能,需要購買啟用密鑰。 該功能在高階AR5700D接收機屬於標準配備,但AR-DV1和AR-DV10則需要額外購買。 AOR是寬頻手持式與桌上型無線電接收機 …
AOR公司最新手持接收机AR-DV10拆解鉴赏 - 科创网
2020年10月15日 · AR-DV10是AOR公司近年推出的手持式全模式接收机,连续覆盖频率范围100kHz~1300MHz,据说采用一次变频全数字中频结构,解调包括全部模拟调制和通用的数字对讲模式,但实测无法解Tetra数字集群模式。
RigPix Database - AOR - AR-DV1
AOR AR-DV1 SPECIFICATIONS. GENERAL: Type: HF/VHF/UHF receiver/scanner: Frequency range: 0.1-1300 MHz (Cellular blocked in the USA) Specifications not guaranteed below 0.53 MHz Tuning steps: ... TETRA GSSI activation key Tablet interface Operative system on …
AOR AR DV1 SDR Recepteur numerique large bande ARDV1 - AOR …
Le AR-DV1 décode le mode TETRA Direct et Relais. Donnant la possibilité aux opérateurs de surveiller et recevoir une grande variété de fréquences analogiques et numériques, l'AR-DV1 peut être utilisé par tous type d’opérateurs : - les radioamateurs. - les autorités militaires et étatiques, - les organismes gestionnaires d'urgence,
AOR AR-DV10 Digital Receiver - Home Of The Wizard ♂️
2017年11月27日 · And for €998 you get a package that can decode TETRA according to the information that I’ve read. Below we’ve a photo of the device which will be available soon and a list of the digital code capability of what this receiver can actually decode.