随机引物PCR - 百度百科
随机引物PCR(arbitrarily primed PCR,AP-PCR)是指在对模板顺序一无所知的情况下,通过随意设计或选择一个非特异性引物,在PCR反应体系中,首先在不严格条件下使引物与模板DNA中许多序列通过错配而复性。
Arbitrarily Primed PCR and RAPDs - SpringerLink
The arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction (AP-PCR) is a PCR-based DNA fingerprinting technique using primers whose nucleotide sequence is arbitrarily chosen (Welsh and McClelland 1990; Williams et al. 1990). This method has also been …
Fingerprinting genomes using PCR with arbitrary primers
1990年12月25日 · Simple and reproducible fingerprints of complex genomes can be generated using single arbitrarily chosen primers and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). No prior sequence information is required. The method, arbitrarily primed PCR (AP-PCR), involves two cycles of low stringency amplification follow …
An improved arbitrary primed PCR method for rapid …
2005年10月1日 · Modifications were made to published arbitrary primed polymerase chain reaction (AP-PCR) procedures that resulted in increased specificity and sensitivity. Several arbitrary primer sequences were also evaluated, resulting in recommendations for primer design.
随机扩增DNA多态性分析 - 青岛海博生物
随机扩增DNA多态性分析(Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA, RAPD)又称为随意引物PCR(Arbitrary Primed PCR, AP-PCR)是一种DNA指纹多态性分析技术,其理论依据是不同的基因组中与随意引物匹配的碱基序列的位点和数目可能不同,因而用一组人设计的核昔酸作为引物,通过PCR随机扩增 ...
The arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction (AP- PCR) is a PCR-based DNA fingerprinting technique using primers whose nucleotide sequence is arbitrarily chosen (Welsh and McClelland 1990; Williams et al. 1990). This method has also been …
AP-PCR鉴定真菌的方法建立及双盲对照的初步研究 - 百度学术
Differences: DAF and AP-PCR technologies. AP-PCR: Arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction. A technique for am plifying anonymous stretches of DNA, using PCR. Related to RAPD. Arbitrary primer: A short oligonucleotide primer used in certain PCR met hods to initiate DNA synthesis at random locations on the target DNA.
随机引物PCR技术-丁香实验 - 丁香通研选
2013年7月8日 · 随机引物PCR(Arbitrary - primer PCR,缩写为AP-PCR)又称随机扩增多态性DNA(Random amplified polimophic DNA,缩写为RAPD),是Williams和Welsh等1990年在PCR的基础上发展起来的一种实验技术。在RAPD扩增中,仅用一个8-10碱基的寡核苷酸引物,引物的序列是随机的。
AP-PCR是什么? - 百度知道
2012年11月30日 · AP-PCR是什么? AP-PCR技术是在对所扩增的基因序列一无所知的情况下随意设计或选择一个非特异性引物,在PCR反应体系中,首先使引物与模板DNA中许多序列通过错配而复性.