Armour-piercing ammunition - Wikipedia
Armour-piercing ammunition (AP) is a type of projectile designed to penetrate armour protection, most often including naval armour, body armour, and vehicle armour. [1] The first, major application of armour-piercing projectiles was to defeat the thick armour carried on many warships and cause damage
Armour-piercing, capped, ballistic capped shell - Wikipedia
The configuration consists of an armour-piercing shell fitted with a stubby armour-piercing cap (AP cap) for improved penetration properties against surface hardened armour, especially at high impact angles, [1] and an aerodynamic ballistic cap on top of the AP cap to correct for the poorer aerodynamics, especially higher drag, otherwise ...
Armaments & Innovations - The Navy's 'Supershells' - U.S. Naval …
In the early 1930s it began to ask whether heavier armor-piercing (AP) shells would be worthwhile. Like most other naval developments of this period, the heavy-shell idea was tied up with naval arms limitation.
Naval Gazing Main/Shells Part 3
2019年5月1日 · Heavy armor-piercing (AP) shells, equipped with caps designed to prevent them from shattering on impact with face-hardened armor, could carry small quantities of explosives, 1-2% of shell weight, through armor plate and detonate on the other side. Other shells, often known as common, carried much more explosive, but were fuzed to detonate on ...
炮弹AP,APCR,HE,HEAT是有什么区别? - 百度知道
ap、apcr、he、heat分别是穿甲弹、硬芯穿甲弹、高爆弹和破甲弹。 它们的主要区别在于弹头结构、穿甲原理和用途。 * AP:穿甲弹,是一种常规弹种,具有良好的转正效果和中等炮弹飞行速度,以及较远的穿深衰减。
穿甲彈 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
穿甲彈(英文:armor-piercing munition,簡稱armor-piercing或AP),是一種用來穿透裝甲的彈藥,分穿甲子彈和穿甲炮彈兩類,前者主要用於射穿防彈背心和一些具有輕型防護的設備(反器材),後者用來破壞各類重型載具。
【科普向】武器弹药战斗部 穿甲弹篇 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
超速穿甲弹(APSV:Armor-Piercing Super Velocity,又称次口径超速穿甲弹)的硬质弹芯包裹在一个适口径的弹头中,因为其相较轻,能够获得较高的炮口初速,以击穿敌方装甲,不过因为没有装药,其后效较差,并且在击中目标时,硬质弹芯需要先击穿弹头,会导致动能损失,降低穿甲效果。 超速穿甲弹主要分为线轴型(以德国PzGr.40 型为代表)和流线型,线轴型质量较轻,初速更高,流线型空气阻力更小,两者各有优劣。 不过随着 尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹 (APFSDS)的发 …
Armor-Piercing Shell | Encyclopedia MDPI
An armor-piercing shell, armour-piercing shell in Commonwealth English, AP for short, is a type of ammunition designed to penetrate armor. From the 1860s to 1950s, a major application of armor-piercing projectiles was to defeat the thick armor carried on many warships and cause damage to the lightly-armored interior.
2012年9月16日 · 访问从EWC (前面的apciscoshell)的AP控制台. 当控制台电缆插入运行EWC镜像的AP,默认情况下EWC提示符将显示。如果,因故,对基础AP shell的访问要求,可以完成使用: EWC# wireless ewc-ap ap shell username admin [email protected]'s password: Cisco123. 要退出回到EWC shell,请使用 ...
在Mobility Express AP上配置带以太网桥接的P2P网状链路 - Cisco
2024年10月18日 · 作为网状AP:Cisco AireOS 1542、1562、1815s、3802s AP Mobility Express (ME)是一种替代自治AP模式和软件的解决方案。 它允许基于AireOS的无线局域网控制器(WLC)软件的精简版本在接入点上运行。
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