APC H15 Power Conditioner - review - AVS Forum
2009年1月25日 · The APC H15 has 15 amp or 1.5KVA capacity therefore the large power cable is required. The plug, however, is angled and does not block the other outlet. It has 12 outlets nicely arranged in 4 groups (6-digital , 2-video, 2-audio, and 2-high current).
APC H15 vs Panamax 5300ex - AVS Forum
2009年2月11日 · After looking at the APC H15 and the Panamax M5300, I decided on the Panamax for the following reasons: - It will disconnect the power if there are brownouts or spikes. - The specs reveal that it was designed for bi-directional communcation on the coaxial filter circuits. Some users have reported problems with the APC H15 in this regard.
APC H15 Power Conditioner - review | Page 12 - AVS Forum
2009年9月14日 · General Home Theater & Media/Game Rooms. APC H15 Power Conditioner - review. Jump to Latest
APC H15 Power Conditioner - review | Page 2 - AVS Forum
2007年11月28日 · The PureAV AVU1500 is an UPS device whereas the APC H15 is not an UPS device. The PureAV has a battery to provide power if the incoming power drops. The APC H15 has voltage regulation to keep the incoming voltage within 5, 10, or 15% depending upon the incoming voltage range but if the voltage drops below 92 volts, it will not provide power.
APC H15 Power Conditioner - review | Page 15 - AVS Forum
2007年7月7日 · The power conditioner portion of the H15 was the most valuable as we had very poor power coming into the house (was originally 60amp, has since been swapped out to 200amp service), it helped level out power delivery (as much as it could) which I dont see fluctuate often since we upgraded the service.
APC H10 Power Conditioner Quick Review - AVS Forum
2006年7月15日 · The H15 had a nice LCD screen which displayed load, input and output voltage, as well as other useful bits of information. Since the H10 is $100 less than the H15, APC had to cut some corners. The big difference is that the LCD has been replaced by two lines of blue LED's. Load is displayed in 20% increments and input voltage in 10V increments.
Furman Elite 15 PFi vs APC H15 Power Conditioner / Surge...
2023年5月26日 · Looking for a 15A power conditioner & surge protector to protect Marantz AV8802A Preamp/Processor, Parasound Halo A51 Amp, Paradigm Subwoofer, Samsung 4K TV, a Sony 4K Player, and Roku 4K. I'm trying to decide between Furman Elite 15 PFi and APC H15. I can get them both for roughly the same...
APC H15 Power Conditioner - review | Page 3 - AVS Forum
2009年1月25日 · I got my APC 15 installed yesterday and initial thoughts are: This unit is nice looking; perhaps not as "tech" looking as the Monsters and perhaps not as 'elegant' as the Belkin pf60 but somewhere in between. It is very heavy and has the largest power cord I've seen except for appliances such...
APC vs Monster power - AVS Forum
2006年1月23日 · I bought a H15 from buy.com very good service and price. Only problem I have with the H15 is noise from it almost like the sound of a ground loop or transformer noise. This noise is audible from 7'-8' away. If I had a closed cabinent it would not be a problem. I called APC and they said some H15s they were running in their lab had no noise at all.
Solder or Female Spade connector? - AVS Forum
2024年7月25日 · Which is the best method for connecting wires to the speaker (driver) terminals? And if spades, what are some good, non-magnetic spades?