API | Latest Oil Categories
API Introduces Three New Gasoline Engine Oil Standards, ILSAC GF-6A, GF-6B, and API SP. API’s Lubricants Standards Group approved by letter ballot the adoption of two new ILSAC specifications, GF-6A and GF-6B, and a new API Service Category, API SP.
Your Quick Guide to the ILSAC GF-6 and API SP Motor Oil …
2020年5月1日 · ILSAC GF-6 and API SP are new, higher performance passenger car oil categories. GF-6 will replace the GF-5 category and is divided into two separate sub-categories: GF-6A: Fully backward-compatible for older vehicles that previously used GF-5 oils.
ILSAC最新GF-6标准与 GF-5标准区别解析 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2020年05月01日,api(美国石油学会)和ilsac(国际润滑剂标准化认证委员会) 正式发布了最新一代汽机油标准sp/gf-6。 ilsac于1990年10月颁布了对于汽油车发动机用内燃机油的测试规格gf-1,该机构目前已经制订了汽油…
Exceeding the latest GF-6 standards | Castrol® USA
The latest evolution in engine oil performance standards is ILSAC GF-6/API SP which replaces the current GF-5/API SN PLUS. As with prior industry upgrades, the newest standard is fully backward compatible with the current generation. The Castrol engine oil portfolio has upgraded and is compliant against the GF-6 standard.
ILSAC GF-6 - Mobil
The primary purpose of GF-6 is to combat problems with LSPI, a common issue with turbocharged engines. As in the 2018 upgrade of API SN to API SN Plus, the ILSAC GF-6 standards also require added protection against the harmful effects of LSPI in today’s modern turbocharged engines. What is LSPI and how does it affect my engine?
A new American Petroleum Institute (API) Service Category and two new ILSAC standards were approved for first licensing on May 1, 2020. The new specifications include the API SP Service Category and the International Lubricant Specification Advisory Committee (ILSAC) standards GF-6A and GF-6B.
API SP/ILSAC GF-6来了,带你了解汽机油的API等级和ILSAC发展 …
豹王API SP/ILSAC GF-6系列机油,优选巴斯夫酯类基础油和美孚PAO基础油,润英联高性能SP添加剂,同时满足欧标,性能卓越。 豹王SP机油对发动机活塞、气门、涡轮和轴瓦等部位的磨损更低,可以表现出更好的高温稳定性、清洁能力、润滑保护能力和燃油经济性等性能。
汽车机油等级GF-6究竟是啥? - 百家号
2020年5月28日 · 该标准基本上是基于api(美国石油协会)的等级认证(如gf-5对应sn、gf-6对应sp),但更注重燃油经济性,所以通常使用较低粘度。 GF后面的数字,在我们国家,可以理解为对应的国家排放标准,如GF-5为国五,GF-6为国六。
ILSAC GF-6和API SP机油新标准自5月1日开始正式实施 - 知乎
2020年5月12日 · 最新ILSAC汽车机油标准GF-6A和GF-6B以及API最新的机油性能标准-API SP从2020年5月1日开始进行首批认证。 这些新标准规范的发布满足了当前使用发动机和未来新型发动机的性能需求,同时标志着七年论证历程的结束。 EOLCS认证产品将带有两个标识,一个是API服务标识(“圆环”标),一个是认证标识(“星爆”标识和“盾牌”标识)。新引入的“盾牌”API服务标识主要用于识别符合GF-6B, SAE 0W-16粘度规格且满足API SN质量级别的油品。 美国石油学会 …
Everything You Need to Know About GF-6 and API SP ... - Kendall …
2020年5月1日 · In this blog post, we’ll provide an overview of everything you need to know about the new ILSAC GF-6 and API SP passenger car motor oil specifications. ILSAC GF-6 will replace the previous GF-5 specifications, which covered fuel …