VS1/VS2 vertically suspended pumps - Sulzer
Sulzer’s API 610 Type VS1/VS2 vertical pumps are based on proven designs, continuously improved and optimized based on decades of operational experience. Sulzer's low Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) 1st stage, followed by unique high head per stage series hydraulics, minimize the number of stages required, reducing pump length and contractor ...
SJD API 立式悬吊流程泵 - Sulzer
SJD (API) 泵是一种 ISO13709/API610 VS1 和 VS6 型泵,根据多年的经验进行了优化设计。 他们利用苏尔寿的低汽蚀余量 (NPSH) 第一级,每级系列高扬程叶轮,最大限度地减少所需的级数。 减少级数,形成更短更可靠的泵。 大型泵上的双吸可以减少泵的长度。 每级的高扬程意味着更低的速度下即可实现工艺条件。 电力成本是平原地区原油管道运营成本中最高的一块。 流量、粘度、管道尺寸和站间距都会影响泵的选择。 2 或 3 台主管道泵通常串联运行。 苏尔寿可以协助馈 …
Double-casing multi-stage vertically suspended pumps with bowl type diffuser. The top antifriction bearing is lubricated by oil. The bottom sliding bearing is multi-point supported. The first-stage impeller can be single- or double-suction, it al.so can be lower arranged.
9.3立式悬吊泵(VS1~VS7型泵) - API610第12版_中文版 - 泵小丫 … 如果有规定,压力壳体的泵头和进口筒体或罐应采用无缝钢管制造,无缝钢管应符合ASTMA106、ASMT A53、ISO 3183或API 5L的规定。 对于VS泵,外径不大于200 mm(8 in)的碗形导流壳, 8 mm(0.31 in)的紧固件是可以接受的。 对于安装在容器或罐上的VS1、VS2和VS3型泵,构成压力壳体的部件就是排出座。 对于VS6和VS7型泵,构成压力壳体的部件就是排出座和进口罐。 所有的泵轴应对其全长进行机械加工、或磨光和 …
Vertical Turbine Pumps - API 610 - National Pump Company
National Pump has a complete line of API-610 type VS-0 submersible, VS-1 sump, and VS-6 canned vertical turbine pumps for the Petroleum market conforming to the latest edition of the API-610 standard. Applications include: VS0. Off Shore Platform; Seawater Lift; Deep Well Dewatering; Fire Protection; VS1. Sump Type / Wet Pit; Crude Oil Transfer ...
Marelli Heavy Duty API 610 Process Pumps | Sundyne - Sundyne …
Reliable, high efficiency performance with highly engineered API pumps for critical upstream and downstream services. Highly reliable with a long life, Marelli multi-stage pumps are capable of reaching massive flow rates and pressures.
API 610 Type VS1 Vertically Suspended Turbine Pumps - VTP Series
VTP Series are API 610 type VS1, vertically suspended turbine process pumps for heavy duty applications. VTP Series are in vertical configuration with single or multistage arrangements, single or double suction first stage impeller for shorten pump length, vertical turbine or …
VTP Series - Vertical Turbine Pumps (VS1) - Ruhrpumpen
Ruhrpumpen's Vertical Turbine Pumps (VTP series) in standard and custom configurations to fit your application needs. API construction (VS1) and as fire pump.
TRUFLO® TVP Series - API 610 (VS1)
Vertical Single Casing Pump – API 610 11th Ed. (VS1) TVP Features. Max. Capacity: 61,640gpm (14,000m³/h) Max. Head: 920ft (280m) Max. Temperature: 390°F (200°C) Max. Pressure: 430psi (30kg/cm³) Max. Power: 2,680HP (2,000kW) TVP Applications. TVP Brochure.
API Pump Standards | Power Zone Equipment Inc
The VS1 is a vertically suspended, wet pit, diffuser pump with a single casing. The discharge of the pump is routed through the upright column that suspends the bowl assemblies. The VS2 is a vertically suspended, wet pit, volute pump with a single casing.