不懂就问,APM上500是什么概念? - 百度贴吧
一般war3的职业选手260+的apm就已经足够操作自己的所有部队+英雄双线作战了 星际要求更高,因为部队数量更多,但也就是400就足够了 500的apm,大概是星际200人口无限拉兵全程不死兵的神仙操作了吧 大概是人工智能的水平
500-10 Standards Necessary qualifications for new personnel and limitations on title and salary offers that may be made to prospective personnel are determined by the policies and procedures for appointment and promotion of
平均200-300的apm在moba游戏里算哪种程度的操作? - 知乎
2 X Realistic APM-500 Vintage Audio Power Meter 200 Watts
The APM-500 audio power meter provides a continuous easy to read display of output power levels with most audio amplifier/receivers. By watching the signal peaks on the LED display, you can adjust the signal provided to your speakers to minimize distortion and prevent possible speaker damage from over driving.
Just bought a Realistic APM-500 power meter. How to use it?
2006年5月4日 · These meters are DESIGNED to work in parallel with the speakers you use - just hook the APM to the amps main speaker outs and then connect the speakers to the APM. That's how it's designed to work. It will present no load, no impeadance, and no problems whatsoever so long as you run it within the APM's power handling capability.
很难想像APM500是什么概念,哪怕是峰值…… - 百度贴吧
很难想像apm500..刚刚我下了个apm测试器,试了我近几天的录像,竟然没有一个超过100的,大多是70左右。 但很意外的是还赢过一个APM200的……我看了下他的APM曲线吓了我一跳,前二分钟大概在500左右……我的还不到
2012年11月30日 · 你说的是峰值apm吧,最多持续个十几秒。平均apm不可能500的,超越生理极限了 星际是个注重运营的游戏,其实apm200和500没有什么不同,不像魔兽这么注重正面的操作
Realistic Apm-500 Audio Power Meter 200 Watt 42-2107
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Realistic Apm-500 Audio Power Meter 200 Watt 42-2107 at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Realistic APM-500 Audio Power Meter Manual - HiFi Engine
The APM-500 audio power meter provides a continuous easy to read display of output power levels with most audio amplifier/receivers. By watching the signal peaks on the LED display, you can adjust the signal provided to your speakers to minimize distortion and prevent possible speaker damage from over driving.
- 评论数: 2
SONY APM-500の仕様 ソニー - オーディオの足跡
APM-700の姉妹機として開発されたコンパクトスピーカーシステム。 低域には13.5cm相当のアルミハニカム振動板を用いた144cm 2 平面型ウーファーを搭載しています。 また、高域には3.4cm相当のアルミハニカム振動板を用いた9cm 2 平面型トゥイーターを搭載してい ...