Active protection system - Wikipedia
An active protection system (APS) is a system designed to actively prevent certain anti-tank weapons from destroying a vehicle. Countermeasures that either conceal the vehicle from, or disrupt the guidance of an incoming guided missile threat are …
Trophy (countermeasure) - Wikipedia
Trophy (Israel Defense Forces designation מעיל רוח, 'Windbreaker') is a protection system for military armored vehicles. It is termed an active protection system (APS) and is designed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems. It is designed to supplement the standard armor of light and heavy armored fighting vehicles.
ACTIVE PROTECTION SYSTEMS - General Dynamics Ordnance and …
Active Protection Systems (APS) uses sensors, tracking radar, launchers and countermeasure munitions to defeat and/or deflect anti-tank guided missiles and rocket-propelled grenades away from combat vehicles. APS technology enhances force protection and survivability, especially when combined with a passive armor protection system.
战车护盾——浅谈主动防御系统(APS) - 知乎专栏
老游戏使命召唤6中有一个关卡是玩家伴随一辆安装了主动防御系统的LAV装甲车进攻,游戏中的战车频繁遭受各种火箭筒反坦克导弹打击却毫发无损的画面也给众多玩家都留下了深刻的印象。 现实中的战车主动防御系统真能做到这样的防护么? 主动防御系统是否可靠? 时至今日各国的战车主动防御系统的发展与铺装情况如何? 未来的发展方向如何? 本文就将简单探讨战车主动防御这一新兴系统的相关问题。 车辆主动防御系统的拦截距离就一定非常近么? 其实不一定。 有的主 …
主动防御系统 - 百度百科
主动防御系统(英文:Active Protection Systems,缩写:APS),是指通过探测装置获得来袭弹药(反坦克导弹、火箭)的运动特征,然后通过计算机控制对抗装置,使来袭弹药无法直接命中被防护目标的系统。
Active protection systems: an overview - European Security
2024年1月23日 · Armed forces continue to pursue active protection systems (APSs) capable of effectively defeating anti-armour weaponry. As many different designs have completed their development, the current APS market offers users more options than ever before.
The Army tested the TROPHY Active Protection System (APS) installed on Abrams M1A2 System Enhancement Package version 3 (SEPv3) tanks in FY22 to inform an urgent materiel release (UMR). The TROPHY APS intercepted most of the incoming threats and the Abrams tank base armor provided adequate force protection.
Uncertain fate for active protection on Army’s combat vehicles
2023年10月9日 · WASHINGTON — The Army installed an active protection system on the M1 Abrams tank and fielded it in Europe, but the fate of other plans to equip similar defense measures on the service’s ...
2019年8月21日 · The Active Protection System (APS) program is intended to improve the survivability of ground combat vehicles against anti-tank guided missiles, rocket-propelled grenades, and recoilless rifl e threats by using a kinetic “hard kill” mechanism to intercept and disrupt/defeat the incoming threat.
Active Protection System (APS) for tanks - Sturgeon's House
2017年8月10日 · Raytheon's Quick Kill™ Active Protection System (APS) can intercept and shoot down an extended set number threats, including rocket-propelled grenades and anti-tank missiles with surgical accuracy with minimum potential for collateral damage.