The Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM) is internationally recognised as a highly advanced platform for modelling and simulation of agricultural systems. It contains a suite of modules that enable the simulation of systems for a diverse range of plant, animal, soil, climate and management interactions.
What is APSIM? – APSIM
The Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM) is a comprehensive model developed to simulate biophysical processes in agricultural systems, particularly as it relates to the economic and ecological outcomes of management practices in the face of climate risk. It is also being used to explore options and solutions for the food security ...
How do I download APSIM?
If you use or develop APSIM and publish and make publicly available data and/or results, then you can choose the General Use Licence when you apply to download the model. Please note there are two versions of APSIM. APSIM Classic (last release version was 7.10) and the newer APSIM Next Generation.
Downloads for APSIM 7.10
This is for APSIM 7.x and APSIM Next Generation. You will need to agree to one of two types of licences before downloading the software: You can find the system requirements here
APSIM Training Manuals
If you are new to Apsim, start with these documents. They will teach you the basic skills required to construct a simulation and how to work with the results, including graphing.
What is APSoil? – APSIM
get soil information to put into the farm computer model APSIM, a model that can help with management decisions on crops and project likely crop yields; access the app anywhere there is wireless or internet connection to your iPad. See www.csiro.au/soilmapp for more information. SoilMapp for iPad is now available from the Apple App Store.
APSIM Documentation. AgPasture Contains description and validation, interface science documentation and a species table. Barley Contains description and validation, interface science documentation and a species table. Canola
The APSIM-Wheat module simulates the wheat growth and development of a wheat crop in a daily time-step on an area basis (per square meter, not per single plant). In this module, the wheat crop Wheat growth and development
Documentation – APSIM
How do I cite APSIM? Aarhus University Postdoc Opportunity; Review of APSIM’s soil nitrogen modelling capability for agricultural systems analyses; Call for papers; Course Alert: Modelling …
APSIM Docs - Tutorials
APSIM Documentation. Validation Tutorials Models Tutorials. Climate Controller Usage of climate control manager component. Lifecycle Describes managing the lifecycle of a pseudoaphid. Manager Provides two tutorials covering sowing fertiliser topup and water and N topup rules. Parameter sensitivity (Morris) ...