History of the Quarter Horse - AQHA
Most all of the important Quarter Horse lines were represented in the open range and trail-driving era in Texas. The legendary Steel Dust came to Texas around 1844, and five years later, the great horse Shiloh also arrived.
History of AQHA - AQHA
Learn a few facts about the American Quarter Horse Association, the world's largest equine-breed association. AQHA History: Building America’s Horse. How the American Quarter Horse breed came to be, as told by Linda Davis, the daughter of Albert Mitchell, one of the most influential men in AQHA history.
Quarter Horses - TSHA
2019年4月30日 · AQHA maintains pedigrees of 3.1 million registered American quarter horses, making the breed the world's largest. The association sanctions 2,300 AQHA-approved shows and American quarter horse races at 110 racetracks in North America.
The History Of the American Quarter Horse
2020年11月18日 · The breed itself saw its true beginning in the 1600s, during the early days of the American Settlers, and was officially solidified in the 1800s with the final addition to the breed, the Mustang. With the addition of the Mustang in its breeding, the modern American Quarter Horse was created and America had its own unique horse native to its shores.
A Brief History of Quarter Horses
The American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) was founded in 1940, and it quickly became the governing body for the breed, overseeing registration, breeding standards, and competition rules. The AQHA was instrumental in promoting the breed and helping it …
The Bloodlines Chart - AQHA
2022年11月21日 · The Bloodlines Chart was designed in 1946 by Dr. Darrell Sprott, a veterinarian and Quarter Horse judge who spent his life studying the breeding of the American Quarter Horse. Dr. Sprott designed the chart, for the most part, from information found in …
American Quarter Horse Origin & History: The Comprehensive …
In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take a deep dive into the American Quarter Horse Origin & History, exploring its roots, development, and evolution into the beloved breed we know today. Whether you’re a seasoned Quarter Horse enthusiast or just curious about this fascinating breed, this guide is sure to offer plenty of insights and information.
History of the American Quarter Horse Association
2015年11月6日 · Although the American Quarter Horse Association was not the first equine breed association established in America, it soon was the fastest-growing, and ultimately became highly successful. On March 15, 1940, about 75 men and women gathered in Fort Worth to formally establish the AQHA.
American Quarter Horse history goes back well before America was a self-governing country, however it wasn’t until the late 1800’s that the Quarter Horse was an established and recognised type. He was often known by other names – Billy horses, Steeldusts, Rondos, after famous ancestors or after ranch and racing capabilities.
Quarter Horses Then and Now, Part 2 - Western Horseman
2021年6月25日 · We do know that sometime in the early 1800’s Steeldust was matched with a champion Texas horse. Steeldust’s quiet demeanor disarmed the natives and the thorough defeat of the Texas horse very nearly bankrupted the community. From then on Steeldust was made. Every Texan who had a good mare wanted to breed her to Steeldust.