Membership Form - AQHA
Be a part of the world's largest equine breed registry Association, and enjoy the many benefits of being an AQHA member. Are you or have you ever been a member of AQHA?
Types of Awards - AQHA
Learn about the variety of AQHA awards that recognize your show-pen achievements with your American Quarter Horse. To view all the guidelines regarding AQHA achievement awards, refer to the rule SHW800 in the AQHA Official Handbook of Rules and Regulations showing section .
AQHA Year-End High-Point Award Winners - AQHA
AQHA year-end high-point winners are recognized annually after being named the year-end top point earners by division and class. The AQHA youth top year-end high-point winners are …
Quarter Horses - Stallions - 6666 Ranch
Quarter Horse Stallions AQHA All-Time Leading Breeder of Performance Horses and AQHA All-Time Leading Breeder of Race Money-Earners & Winners, as well as the coveted AQHA Best Remuda Award. 📷 Bee Silva.
Scoresheets :: All American Quarter Horse Congress / AQHA / …
Linked below are the 2024 Congress scoresheets, grouped by discipline. Barrel Racing Amateur/Amateur Select.
AQHA | 85th Anniversary Best Remuda — BreyerHorses.com
Celebrate the 85th anniversary of the American Quarter Horse Association with this special commemorative model! Founded in 1940 by a group of dedicated American Quarter Horse breeders and owners, the AQHA has grown into the world’s largest horse breed association.
AQHA Memberships Defined
2018年4月10日 · AQHA offers three types of memberships: general, amateur and youth. What type of membership is right for you? When applying for your AQHA membership, keep a couple things in mind: Your age and whether or not you are going to show in AQHA events.
- American Quarter Horse Association
Explore the vast and exciting world of AQHA and American Quarter Horses. Sign up for our newsletter by choosing your favorite topics below. Check if you are interested in youth …
Q25 National Championship Show - Australian Quarter Horse …
The thrill and excitement of Q25 brings together a great number of AQHA members at a National level at the Australian Equine Livestock and Events Centre in Tamworth, NSW. An amazing array of showmanship is displayed. Competitors & spectators …
NYATT :: All American Quarter Horse Congress / AQHA / OQHA …
The All American Quarter Horse Congress hosts the largest National Youth Team Tournament competition in the world. It brings together many youth from state and regional Quarter Horse associations across the U.S. and Canada. Team Requirements
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