Drought of 1930–1931 - Encyclopedia of Arkansas
2022年9月21日 · Arkansas’s worst drought of the twentieth century took place in 1930–1931. Twenty-three states across the Mississippi and Ohio river valleys and into the mid-Atlantic …
1931 – Wikipedia
1931 (MCMXXXI) var ett normalår som började en torsdag i den gregorianska kalendern. 8 januari – Den svenske författaren Hjalmar Bergman jordfästs efter att ha avlidit, 47 år gammal …
Ådalshändelserna – Wikipedia
Ådalshändelserna, Skotten i Ådalen, Ådalen (19)31, kallas händelseförloppet kring en arbetskonflikt i Ådalen i mitten av maj 1931, där fem personer sköts ihjäl av militär som stod …
The forgotten rebellion - Arkansas Times
2006年1月20日 · But for those who read the newspapers across America in the days after Jan. 3, 1931, it was hard to miss the drama. “500 Farmers Storm Arkansas Town Demanding Food …
48th Arkansas General Assembly - Wikipedia
The Forty-Eighth Arkansas General Assembly was the legislative body of the state of Arkansas in 1931 and 1932. In this General Assembly, the Arkansas Senate and Arkansas House of …
New Deal - Encyclopedia of Arkansas
2024年7月16日 · Arkansas also suffered as it alternated between both drought and floods—the Flood of 1927, followed by the Drought of 1930–1931 and the Flood of 1937. Banks failed, …
Consequently, Arkansans lacked the resources to confront the crisis and an outside national agency, the American Red Cross, was called in to assist the victims. Because of the racism …
Celebrating 200 years: 1931 - The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
On Jan. 4, 1931, in the seventh month of a devastating drought, the front page of the Arkansas Gazette reported on an incident at England in Lonoke County. Three hundred men, mostly …
Great Depression - FranaWiki - University of Central Arkansas
2010年4月10日 · The Great Depression in central Arkansas began with a drought in the summer of 1930 that extended into the spring of 1931. The situation got so desperate by August 1930 …
Ådalshändelserna 1931 | Året runt | Historia - SO-rummet
2019年2月12日 · Den 14 maj 1931 drog ett stort demonstrationståg fram genom Ådalen. Demonstranterna markerade på detta sätt sitt avståndstagande från de strejkbrytare som …