Arado Ar 234 Blitz - Wikipedia
The Arado Ar 234 Blitz (English: lightning) is a jet-powered bomber designed and produced by the German aircraft manufacturer Arado. It was the world's first operational turbojet -powered bomber, seeing service during the final years of the Second World War .
Ar 234轟炸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Ar 234「閃電式」轟炸機 (德語: Arado Ar 234 Blitz)是世界上首種實用化的 噴射動力 轟炸機,由 德國 阿拉多 在 第二次世界大戰 尾聲時所製造。 雖然是轟炸機,在實際運用上,Ar 234大部分是擔任 偵察機 的角色,僅少數擔任 轟炸機 角色,它的速度性能,使它幾乎不可能被敵機攔截,是1945年少數還能飛到英國的德軍飛機。 「閃電」(德語: Blitz)是Ar 234普遍被人熟知的別名,起緣來自於Ar 234B-2轟炸機型的非正式名稱「閃電轟炸機」(德語: Blitz-Bomber,指 …
Ar-234轰炸机 - 百度百科
Ar-234轰炸机(英文:Arado Ar-234 Lightning,德文:Arado Ar-234 Blitz)是世界上首种实用化的喷气轰炸机,由德国阿拉多公司在第二次世界大战尾声时所制造。 在实际运用上,Ar-234大部分是担任侦察机的角色,仅少数担任轰炸机角色,它的速度性能使它几乎不可能被 ...
Ar 234轰炸机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Ar 234“闪电式”轰炸机 (德语: Arado Ar 234 Blitz)是世界上首种实用化的 喷射动力 轰炸机,由 德国 阿拉多 在 第二次世界大战 尾声时所制造。 虽然是轰炸机,在实际运用上,Ar 234大部分是担任 侦察机 的角色,仅少数担任 轰炸机 角色,它的速度性能,使它几乎不可能被敌机拦截,是1945年少数还能飞到英国的德军飞机。 “ 闪电 ”(德语: Blitz)是Ar 234普遍被人熟知的别名,起缘来自于Ar 234B-2轰炸机型的非正式名称“ 闪电轰炸机 ”(德语: Blitz-Bomber,指非常快速 …
Ar 234C-3 - First Jet Bomber of Luftwaffe - AirPages
In the version proposed on November 22, 1943, the aircraft was armed with two MG 151 rear-firing cannons, located at the rear of the fuselage, in place of the cameras. Under the fuselage and gondolas, the engines could hang bombs.
Arado Ar 234 Blitz - Aviation History
While the Messerschmitt Me 262 was Germany's first operational jet fighter, the Arado 234, commonly known as the Blitz (lightning), was its first operational jet-bomber. However, for the most part, the Ar 234 was used as a reconnaissance aircraft and was nearly impossible to …
Arado Ar 234 (Blitz) - Military Factory
2018年10月23日 · As the German Messerschmitt Me 262 "Schwalbe" ("Swallow") holds the distinction of becoming the world's first operational jet-powered fighter, the Arado Ar 234 "Blitz" ("Lightning") is recognized as the world's first operational jet-powered bomber.
【参考资料】二战德空划时代的喷气式轰炸机——阿拉多AR234“闪 …
从1943年夏季开始,阿拉多公司就计划开发配置四台喷气引擎的新改型,即Ar 234C,在主翼下吊装4台BMW003型引擎,有成对并列安装和四发独立安装两种方案,最后确定为前者,时速可达882公里,载弹量比B型提高一倍,于1944年2月4日完成首飞,这是世界上第一架四发喷气式轰炸机。 Ar 234C型有多达8种子型号,包括侦察型、轰炸型、双座型以及夜战型等。 C型于1945年2月量产,德国空军下达了高达3800架的订单,但最后只完成了大约20~30架,几乎没有参加实 …
Jet Bomber Milestone: The Legacy of Arado Ar 234 - PlaneHistoria
2023年6月27日 · The Ar 234A, the initial version, was a high-speed reconnaissance aircraft powered by two Junkers Jumo 004B engines. It was unique in its design, featuring a jettisonable three-wheeled take-off trolley in lieu of a conventional landing gear, which was left behind after takeoff to save weight, with the aircraft landing on a retractable skid.
Arado Ar 234 - AirVectors
The Ar 234C was powered by four BMW 003s, each rated at 7.85 kN (800 kgp / 1,760 lbf) thrust, clustered in pairs on each wing. It had a raised canopy to give a better field of view, and incorporated many small aerodynamic improvements.