rodrigocam/ar-gif: Easy to use augmented reality web components - GitHub
ar-gif is an effort to bring augmented reality with web components in a easy way. It supports gif, png, jpg, mp4 and webm playing with pattern detection markers, but if you want to add new functionalities feel free to contribute. This web-component is used in Jandig, a project the aims to bring AR and Art for everyone.
ARKit从入门到精通(8)--将AR内容录制保存为视频、Gif - 知乎
这部分教程我们使用一个第三方框架ARVideoKit来实现将AR效果录制成视频或gif动图。 这个框架是由苹果的ARKit、AVFoundation、Metal和CoreMedia构建的,它去掉了用设备的camera流呈现ARSCNView或ARSKView内容的复杂…
这5款免费的AR神器,把你的照片变成AR作品,还有在线AR生成器/AR纹身/AR涂鸦/AR …
所以,我们今天将为你分享 5款免费的AR创作工具 (AR:增强现实),把你打印出来的静态图片变成动图。 01. Artivive. 这是 一个AR动效合成器,它能帮你给自己的画作植入动态的AR效果。 相当于大家只需要用手机扫描你的静态海报,就可以直接观赏到里面的AR动态内容了! 具体操作也很简单,在这个网站后台上传一张静态图和一个动态视频就可以了(mp4格式, 带绿幕的视频 效果更佳) 待网站自动合成后,使用 Artivive APP(中文名:艺心动)扫描你的画作,即可看到 …
Play gif in WebAR · Issue #449 · hiukim/mind-ar-js - GitHub
2023年9月1日 · I want to play a gif image in WebAR. I used the simple plane example. This simply overlay still image over the marker, how can I play the gif? Please help me out. As, in AR.js gif can be played, Is...
Constant velocity joint : r/mechanical_gifs - Reddit
2016年4月19日 · This gif is a really simplified version to show how it works, this is what they look like IRL. Much stronger and more durable than the gif version. Also, the advantages of a CV joint are really clear when you look at an animation of a U-joint. The input on the left is spinning at a constant speed, the angled U on the right is the output.
Harris CV joint : r/mechanical_gifs - Reddit
2020年9月7日 · It's probably just this particular gif lagging or something, because it is a real CV joint. You would choose this for uses that require a constant angle, low vibration, or an axial load (the example I saw in a video was for helicopters).
Thompson Constant Velocity Joint (TCVJ) : r/mechanical_gifs - Reddit
2016年5月7日 · 654 votes, 39 comments. 965K subscribers in the mechanical_gifs community. This sub is for .gif/.gifv/silent .mp4 images that contain a subject…
GIF动图大全 动态gif图片素材_免费下载 - 爱给网
爱给网-免费GIF动图下载专区,为创作者提供海量精品动图素材,含可爱,沙雕,搞笑,科幻,卡通,节日庆祝等gif动图,gif特效动画,一键打包,免费下载 GIF动图大全 动态gif图片素材_免费下载 - 爱给网
Arkansas Razorback GIFs - Gif Guru
Arkansas Razorback GIFs. We've searched our database for all the gifs related to Arkansas Razorback. Here they are! All 49 of them. Note that due to the way our search algorithm works, some gifs here may only be trangentially related to the topic - the most relevant ones appear first.
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