AR、SMG、LMG等一波的枪械英文缩写大科普,总有几个你不知 …
2018年1月9日 · LMG: Light machine gun,轻机枪 一般是发配到班一级的机枪,和班组步兵用同样的子弹的机枪,两脚架和大容量弹鼓或者弹链,重枪管可以保持更长时间射击不过热,同理还有HMG,Heavy machine gun 重机枪,一般车载或者用三脚架,发配到连级以上,子弹起码全威力步 …
Colt Automatic Rifle - Wikipedia
The Colt Automatic Rifle or Colt Light Machine Gun is a 5.56 mm NATO, open-bolt, full-automatic-only firearm developed by Colt Defense. It is based on the M16A2/A4, and has a distinctive squared-off handguard, vertical grip, carrying handle and integrated bipod. [1]
旧版AR-10 - 枪炮世界
AR-10是一把发射7.62×51mm北约标准弹的自动步枪 , 由尤金·斯通纳在阿玛莱特设计,AR-10没有被广泛采用,大概只造了1万支左右。然而它历史价值在于它成为后来的AR-15的基础,后来被美军采用为M16。
武器专栏:阿瑞斯伯劳鸟轻机枪(LMG-E) - 哔哩哔哩
ares-16 spw 由阿瑞斯专门为“伯劳鸟”系统设计的机匣。 这种机匣与军用规格型M16机匣完全相同,为顶部MIL-STD-1913战术导轨型AR式机匣,除了将它的STANAG弹匣插槽切去,以节省其空间。
基于AR系衍生出的轻机枪(?)和精确射手步枪风评如何? - 知乎
Colt LSW/LMG. 这两种就是改进了导气系统,buffer,最重要的是改成了开膛待击。但是这两个对决的是FN minimi,作为轻机枪,除了重量有优势外其他毫无优势。 剩下的基本上就是些民用玩具了,比如Valkyrie Armament的弹链供弹AR15和MCR(Shrike 5.56)
Ares Shrike 5.56 - Wikipedia
The Ares Defense Shrike 5.56 is an air-cooled, dual-feed light machine gun/rifle for semi or full-auto configurations that fires the 5.56×45mm NATO cartridge. The Shrike 5.56 is sold as either as a complete weapon, or as an upper receiver "performance upgrade kit" to existing AR-15 and M16 -type service rifles and carbines.
Colt R0750 Light Machine Gun (LMG) / Light Automatic Rifle
"The Colt Automatic Rifle or Colt Light Machine Gun (LMG) is a 5.56 mm NATO, open-bolt, full-automatic-only firearm developed by Colt Defense. It is based on the M16A2/A4, and its handguard has a distinctive squared-off shape, vertical grip, carrying handle and integrated bipod.
Stoner 63 - Wikipedia
The Stoner 63/63A LMG is an automatic weapon that fires from the open bolt and the trigger mechanism permits only fully automatic firing. The entire trigger unit has four trigger pins that give the unit its modularity.
M249: AR vs. LMG – Firearm User Network / American Gunsmith
2018年7月11日 · Given that personnel don’t seem interested in reading and learning the difference, I’d say we should make the AR and LMG quals more distinct. The current AR qual mostly looks like a watered-down version of the LMG/MMG qual. Grouping and Zeroing: Use the new 25-meter rifle/carbine zero target at 10 meters.
Red Right Hand, LLC
Our Famous Heat Mitigation System now available on a .308 AR-10 pattern Upper! Build your own Medium Support Weapon! Choose from Multiple Rail systems, Charging Handles, Muzzle Devices, etc! If you’re looking to build a Light Support rifle, you’ll definitely want to check out our RECCE LMG or IAR uppers.