The structure of Ar3+ - ScienceDirect
1994年6月24日 · Various molecular orbitals have been tested, namely open-shell RHF and UHF orbitals of Ar3 and the orbitals resulting from the SCF calculation of the neutral Ar3 molecule. The last choice leads to the best conditioned CI expansion as can be judged by the norm of the first-order perturbative correction to the wavefunction and also by the ...
Single electron capture by Ar3+ from rare-gas atoms
1986年6月30日 · Measurements of translational energy spectra of single electron capture collisions between 9 keV Ar3+ ions with rare gas atoms are reported here. The data were obtained on a reversed geometry double-focusing mass spectrometer; full details of the apparatus have been described previously by Morgan et al. [10].
A method of calculation of the thermodynamic properties of Ar3
1992年8月7日 · Introduction The purpose of this paper is to study the thermodynamic properties of a small cluster of argon atoms - Ar3 observed in the low-temperature region 2 < T< 30 K. To derive these properties one has to calculate the partition function which depends only on the energy spectrum of the system.
钢的热处理指出Ac1、Ac3、Accm、 Ar1、Ar3、Arcm各相变点的 …
Ar3:冷却时奥氏体向铁素体转变的开始温度; Accm:加热时二次渗碳体全部溶入奥氏体的终了温度; Arcm:冷却时从奥氏体中开始析出二次渗碳体的温度。
The structure of Ar3 - Semantic Scholar
Effective core potentials for the Ar, Kr, and Xe atoms derived from numerical Hartree–Fock and Dirac–Hartree–Fock wave functions are applied in SCF and CI calculations of homonuclear diatomic …
Metastable decay of rare gas cluster ions — the (Ar3)+ system ...
The decay of (Ar + 3 * → Ar + 2 + Ar is studied from a dynamical viewpoint by employing an effective, spherical interaction and constructing the complete set of bound and metastable wavefunctions for the full range of rotational states of the triatomic complex.
Double electron capture by Ar3+ from rare-gas atoms
The measurements show that the dominant reaction channels are due to capture from the ground state 3p3 4S of Ar3+ ions into high excited states of Ar+; there is clear evidence of the presence of first and second metastable states in the incident ion beam.
(PDF) Preliminary Study on Kinetic Energy Distributions of Ar+ ...
1991年1月1日 · This finding indicates that an Ar+3 chromophoric core is solvated by neutral Ar atoms in Ar+n (4 ⩽ n ⩽ 6) and the photophysical properties of Ar+3 remains almost intact in these cluster ions.
Determination of mobility and diffusion coefficients of Ar
2020年3月17日 · When an electrical current ranging from 3 to 4.5 A flows through the filament, it becomes hot and emits electrons. Electron collisions with Ar atoms produce ions, and bias voltages in the ion source lead to the ions having energies of 30 eV or more above the energy of a ground-state atom.
Metastable decay of rare gas cluster ions — the (Ar3)+ system ...
Delgado-Barrio, G., Miret-Artés, S., Villarreal, P. et al. Metastable decay of rare gas cluster ions — the (Ar 3) + system. Z Phys D - Atoms, Molecules and Clusters 30, 77 (1994). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01437482.