The structure of Ar3+ - ScienceDirect
1994年6月24日 · Various molecular orbitals have been tested, namely open-shell RHF and UHF orbitals of Ar3 and the orbitals resulting from the SCF calculation of the neutral Ar3 molecule. …
Single electron capture by Ar3+ from rare-gas atoms
1986年6月30日 · Measurements of translational energy spectra of single electron capture collisions between 9 keV Ar3+ ions with rare gas atoms are reported here. The data were …
A method of calculation of the thermodynamic properties of Ar3
1992年8月7日 · Introduction The purpose of this paper is to study the thermodynamic properties of a small cluster of argon atoms - Ar3 observed in the low-temperature region 2 < T< 30 K. To …
钢的热处理指出Ac1、Ac3、Accm、 Ar1、Ar3、Arcm各相变点的 …
Ar3:冷却时奥氏体向铁素体转变的开始温度; Accm:加热时二次渗碳体全部溶入奥氏体的终了温度; Arcm:冷却时从奥氏体中开始析出二次渗碳体的温度。
The structure of Ar3 - Semantic Scholar
Effective core potentials for the Ar, Kr, and Xe atoms derived from numerical Hartree–Fock and Dirac–Hartree–Fock wave functions are applied in SCF and CI calculations of homonuclear …
Metastable decay of rare gas cluster ions — the (Ar3)+ system ...
The decay of (Ar + 3 * → Ar + 2 + Ar is studied from a dynamical viewpoint by employing an effective, spherical interaction and constructing the complete set of bound and metastable …
Double electron capture by Ar3+ from rare-gas atoms
The measurements show that the dominant reaction channels are due to capture from the ground state 3p3 4S of Ar3+ ions into high excited states of Ar+; there is clear evidence of the …
(PDF) Preliminary Study on Kinetic Energy Distributions of Ar+ ...
1991年1月1日 · This finding indicates that an Ar+3 chromophoric core is solvated by neutral Ar atoms in Ar+n (4 ⩽ n ⩽ 6) and the photophysical properties of Ar+3 remains almost intact in …
Determination of mobility and diffusion coefficients of Ar
2020年3月17日 · When an electrical current ranging from 3 to 4.5 A flows through the filament, it becomes hot and emits electrons. Electron collisions with Ar atoms produce ions, and bias …
Metastable decay of rare gas cluster ions — the (Ar3)+ system ...
Delgado-Barrio, G., Miret-Artés, S., Villarreal, P. et al. Metastable decay of rare gas cluster ions — the (Ar 3) + system. Z Phys D - Atoms, Molecules and Clusters 30, 77 (1994). …