The following table includes the 100-year time horizon global warming potentials (GWP) relative to CO 2 . This table is adapted from the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, 2014 (AR5) i .
Fifth Assessment Report - IPCC
AR5 Reports Clear . Synthesis Report AR5 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2014 October 2014. Explore. Working Group Report AR5 Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis September 2013. Explore. Working Group Report AR5 Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability
2024年4月25日 · Assessment Report (AR5) for greenhouse gases (GHGs) that have chemical-specific GWPs listed in AR5, • Adopts the 100-year GWP values from the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) for certain GHGs that do not have chemical-specific GWPs listed in AR5, and
IPCC AR4, AR5, and AR6 20-, 100-, and 500-year GWPs
2023年12月30日 · IPCC AR4, AR5, and AR6 20-, 100-, and 500-year GWPs Metadata Updated: December 30, 2023 The International Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) produces regular Assessment Reports that provide global warming potentials (GWPs) for greenhouse gases (GHG) in the context of multiple time horizons including 20, 100, and 500 years.
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溫室氣體 盤查方法與解析
AR5(2013) 版GWP。 其餘未列之溫室氣體得引用IPCC 最新版次評估報告之GWP( 目前為AR6)。 造成溫室氣體排放或溫室氣體移除的活動之定量量測值。 例 :消耗的能源、燃料或電量、 生產之物料量、 提供之服務、 受影響土地之面積。 一過程或活動由直接量測或依據直接量測之計算, 所獲得之定量值。 *備考: 原始數據可包括溫室氣體排放係數或溫室氣體移除係數及/或溫室氣體活動數據。 於組織邊界範圍內所獲得之原始數據。 *備考: 所有特定場域數據為原始數據, 惟並非所有原 …
The Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC | UNFCCC
2013年11月12日 · The Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was published in 2014. Working Group I, Working Group II, and Working Group III reports were approved in 2013 and 2014 and the Synthesis Report was finalized in October 2014.
IPCC — Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
The IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) provides a comprehensive evaluation of climate change science, impacts, adaptation, and mitigation strategies.
IPCC第五次评估报告 全文 Fifth Assessment Report AR GWP值
IPCC第五次评估报告 全文 Fifth Assessment Report AR GWP值-12,400 677 116 3,170 1,120 1,300 328 4,800 16 138 4 2,640 3,350 1,210 1,330 8,060 716 4,620 235 290 858 76 144 2, 首页 文档 视频 音频 文集
IPCC第五次评估报告 (全文)-Fifth-Assessment-Report- (AR5)--GWP …
2018年1月21日 · IPCC第五次评估报告(全文)-Fifth-Assessment-Report-(AR5)--GWP值.pdf,Final Draft (7 June 2013) Chapter 8 IPCC WGI Fifth Assessment Report 1 Appendix 8.A 2 3 Table 8.A.1: Rad 原创力文档 知识共享存储平台
使用评估报告(AR)全球变暖潜能值(GWP) - Microsoft Cloud …
2025年3月6日 · 全球变暖潜能值(gwp)衡量的是相对于一吨二氧化碳(co2)的排放量,一吨给定气体的排放物在一段时间内吸收了多少能量。 为了提高计算准确性, Microsoft Sustainability Manager 您可以在政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)评估报告(AR)4、5 和 6 之间进行选择 ...