Klübertemp GR AR 555 Vacuum Grease - Lesker
Klübertemp GR AR 555 is a white, homogeneous long-term grease based on perfluorinated polyether oil (PFPE) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). Klübertemp GR AR 555 offers good corrosion protection and high evaporation stability, especially for high-temperature applications.
Klübertemp GR AR 555 // 克鲁勃润滑剂中国 - Klueber
Klübertemp GR AR 555 是一款白色、均质的长效高温润滑脂。该产品以全氟聚醚 (PFPE) 为基础油,聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)为增稠剂。 Klübertemp GR AR 555 具有优异的防腐蚀性能和蒸发稳定性,即使是在高温工况下也拥有优异表现。
Fomblin® AR555 Vacuum Grease 100 gram tube, H11350013
This grease is an excellent lubricant for sliding elastomer seals, and exhibits the chemical inertness typical of the Fomblin® range. It has a very low vapor pressure and is suitable for use in the presence of gaseous and liquid oxygen under severe condition. Vapor pressure <10-7 mbar at 20 °C. Torr. Sold in 100 gram tubes.
克鲁勃AR555润滑脂 Klubertemp GR AR 555全氟聚醚润滑脂
Klübertemp GR AR 555 是一款白色、均质的长效高温润滑脂。该产品以全氟聚醚 (PFPE) 为基础油,聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)为增稠剂。 Klübertemp GR AR 555 具有优异的防腐蚀性能和蒸发稳定性,即使是在高温工况下也拥有优异表现。 行业. 汽车. 化工. 瓦楞纸板工业. 石油和天然气 ...
Fomblin AR555 全氟聚醚润滑脂 Fomblin AR555 - 上海赫哲真空设 …
Fomblin AR555 全氟聚醚润滑脂在极高温、高压、强酸碱性的苛刻环境下,本身材质提供了抗锈蚀、抗氧化、抗磨耗特性,而一般碳氢基合成润滑脂则依靠具时效性的添加剂辅助。
AR555 PFPE Grease 100g, H11350013 | Other Greases | Greases
AR555 PFPE Grease 100g, H11350013; AR555 PFPE Grease 100g, H11350013. Part Number: H11350013. USD 431.00. 7 In Stock. Click For Availability. Added to Your Shopping Cart. Add to cart Request a Quote. Product Details. Specifications. General Product Information. Weight:
Fomblin® AR555 PFPE Grease, 100 g | Vacuum Pump Oil, Fluids, …
Fomblin® AR555 PFPE Grease, 100 g; Fomblin® AR555 PFPE Grease, 100 g. H11350013. USD 419.00. 7 In Stock. Click For Availability. Added to Your Shopping Cart. Add to cart. Specifications. General product classifications. Part Number Cross-Reference: PPAR555 PPRT15 Compatible Brands: Edwards
AR555 is a homogeneous high temperature multi-purpose white grease required for its high performance lubrication solutions for demanding applications. Food grade lubricant is suitable for a wide range of applications and it is used
Ideal Vacuum | Vacuum Greases, Fomblin PFPE Greases
2024年8月9日 · Fomblin® AR555 Vacuum Grease 100 gram tube, H11350013 This grease is an excellent lubricant for sliding elastomer seals, and exhibits the chemical inertness typical of the Fomblin® range. It has a very low vapor pressure and is suitable for use in the presence of gaseous and liquid oxygen under severe condition.
克鲁勃FOMBLIN AR 555全氟聚醚润滑脂_上海凯进贸易有限公司
克鲁勃FOMBLIN AR 555全氟聚醚润滑脂 在极高温、高压、强酸碱性的苛刻环境下,本身材质提供了优佳抗锈蚀、抗氧化、抗磨耗特性,而一般碳氢基合成润滑脂则依靠具时效性的添加剂辅助。 全氟聚醚润滑脂fomblin AR555的非燃性、绝好的低挥发量和极低的离油率特性使润滑寿命延伸极长,甚至于在一般状况下可达长久性的润滑效果。 原装进口、现货供应、品种齐全、价格优惠、品质保障;提供原厂质保书 (COA)、进口报关单、原产地证明等进口手续及品质保证文件。 咨询电 …