AR-57 - Wikipedia
The AR-57 PDW upper is a new design on AR-15/M16 rifles, blending the AR-15/M16 lower with a lightweight, monolithic upper receiver system chambered in 5.7×28mm.
AR57 A1 PDW Carbine 5.7 x 28 mm ON SALE - Atlantic Firearms
AR57A1 - PDW Carbine 5.7 x 28 mm , semi auto , 7.45 lbs / 33" L with 16.04" standard barrel, Flash suppressor, Semi Auto bolt, New ergonomic design custom grip with battery and accessory compartment (holds 2 CR123's), Mil-Spec Fire control group (semi-auto), M-4 Carbine 6 position stock (Mil-Spec / forged aluminum stock tube).
Panzer AR57 ULT Upper Assembly 5.7x28mm 16 ... - Palmetto State Armory
Convert your AR-15 type rifle to shoot the same 5.7x28 ammo as the legendary FN P-90 PDW! This AR57 Upper is constructed with a steel barrel, muzzle brake, bolt carrier group, buffer, and screws, all built into an alloy monobloc receiver.
- 评论数: 37
An outfit called 57 Center is ma - 枪炮世界
ar57是一件很有意思的卡宾枪,它并不是像p90那样充当pdw的,设计者似乎也无意向军警单位推销,这枪只是美国人把枪当作玩具的典型表现之一。 AR57的枪机端面
AR-57卡宾枪 - 百度百科
AR-57是一款由美国莱茵公司研制,由航空精密公司生产的 卡宾枪 (个人防卫武器)。 在SHOT SHOW 2008上出现了一种使用P90弹匣的AR式武器,这是由一个名为“57center”的 组织设计 的一种特别的 专利产品,名为AR57,该枪充分利用了AR式武器的上下机匣结构特点,把一个5.7×28mm上机匣装配到一个AR式步枪下机匣上,使之可以使用50发的P90/PS90弹匣。 AR57采用自由式枪机,其抛壳口则是传统AR式步枪的弹匣插口。 AR57是一件很有意思的 卡宾枪, …
Panzer Arms AR57 | gun.deals
Panzer Arms AR57 12" Complete ULT M-LOK Upper Receiver Comes with a 12" Lightweight Barrel with M-LOK Rails, Converts any AR-15 Lower to a Rifle Capable of Shooting 5.7x28 Ammunition, The Unique Upper Design Loads From the Top and Ejects Downward Through the AR-15 Mag Well.
Convert your AR-15 type rifle to shoot the same 5.7×28 ammo as the legendary FN P-90 PDW! This AR57 Upper is constructed with a steel barrel, muzzle brake, bolt carrier group, buffer, and screws, all built into an alloy monobloc receiver.
PW Arms AR57 PDW 5.7X28MM UPPER W/RAILS for AR15 Lower
The AR57 PDW Upper is a low cost, high quality method to quickly change calibers to the latest Personal Defense Weapon (PDW) round: the 5.7x28mm. This round is used in the famous FN P90 and this upper offers a revolutionary new design on an AR15/M16 platform.
【翻译】AR-57步枪介绍 - 哔哩哔哩
制造商: AR57 LLC. 设计者: 埃里克•P•罗布、罗纳德•R•罗伊斯. 设计年份: 2008年. 生产始于: 2016年. 性能数据. 武器类型: PDW、卡宾枪. 口径: 5.7*28mm. 自动原理: 自由枪机式. 长度: 30英寸(76cm) 枪管长度: 6至16英寸(15至41cm) 重量: 7.45磅(3.38公斤)
AR57 ULT 16in Barrel 5.7x28mm Upper Receiver Assembly - OpticsPlanet
Convert your AR-15 type rifle to shoot the same 5.7x28 ammo as the legendary FN P-90 PDW! This AR57 Upper is constructed with a steel barrel, muzzle brake, bolt carrier group, buffer, and screws, all built into an alloy monobloc receiver. In other words, it is ready to drop in and push pin. It is also built as solid as a tank.