GAARNG G-1 Enlisted Promotions - National Guard
For questions related to Enlisted Promotions contact your Unit Readiness NCO
ILARNG EPS Info - United States Army
The memorandum below provides information and guidance on the FY2026 Enlisted Promotion System. It serves to provide leaders at every echelon the information required to prepare …
(EPS) - Missouri National Guard
ARNG Implementation Guidance for Suspension of Temporary Promotions and STEP Policy and the Reduction of the On-Line Training (ARNG-HRZ PPOM 24-014) Regulations
Army National Guard Enlisted Personnel Management
These documents outline the standards as well as the processes and procedures for the Kansas Army National Guard Enlisted Force. Please check back to this page as guides and regulations, and standard operating procedures are updated on a regular basis.
The ARNG will no longer by-pass Soldiers without the required PME who compete for the next higher grade. Soldiers who meet the promotion board considerations requirements will be selected in...
SUBJECT: Announcement of Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Enlisted Promotion System (EPS) Board Guidance References. A list of references is in enclosure 1, Appendix B, Leader and Soldier Guide to Board...
To provide clear procedural guidance for the Georgia Army National Guard (GAARNG) for the Calendar Year 2025 (CY25) Enlisted Personnel Management (EPM) Cycle. This will consist of; Order of Merit List (OML), Excess/Vacancy Fills, Standby Advisory Board (STAB), Mobilization, Senior Non-commissioned officer Assignment Board (SNAB), Junior ...
2021年3月25日 · This regulation applies to the Army National Guard (ARNG) and Army National Guard of the United States (ARNGUS), both title 10 and 32 Traditional, Dual-status Technicians and AGR personnel.
1-1. Purpose n preparation for the Calendar Year 2025 (CY25) EPM Cycle. In this SOP, you will find guidance and information to prepare upcoming Soldiers that are con idered for the CY25 Enlisted Promotion System (EPS) Cycle. This will consist of; Eligibility Roster, Board Preferences, EPS Submission Requirements, Administrative Data ut-O f, and Sem
First Line Leaders: Ensure all Soldiers subject to this board are fully informed of the eligibility, evaluation, selec-tion and assignment criteria. First Line Leaders will discuss declination options and consequences.