Arp 119 (Gary Imm) - AstroBin
It consists of 2 magnitude 15 galaxies – an orange elliptical (or lenticular) galaxy and a wonderfully complex blue spiral galaxy. In his Arp catalog, Dr. Arp classified this object into the category of Elliptical and
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Arp 119: A High Speed Galaxy Collision with Episodic Star Formation
2000年8月8日 · We compare multi-wavelength observations of the Arp 119 system with a combined n-body/SPH simulation of colliding galaxies. We find that the progression of recent, large-scale star formation in this galaxy can be accounted for by a single, outwardly propagating collision-induced density wave in the gas.
Arp 119: A High-Speed Galaxy Collision With Episodic Star Formation
We compare multiwavelength observations of the Arp 119 system with a combined n-body/SPH simulation of colliding galaxies. Most of the observations used here are gleaned from the literature. Additionally, we obtained new near-infrared (J- and H-band) observations of this system, using the NIRIM camera at the Mount Laguna observatory.
Arp 119 and Arp 88 - Experienced Deep Sky Imaging - Cloudy Nights
2013年3月26日 · The galaxies that form Arp 119 have apparent dimensions of about 1.0 x 0.6 arc minutes, while Arp 88 is about 0.4 arc minutes across. The southern member of Arp 119 is extremely disturbed, most likely as a result of a collision with the northern member.
Arp 119: a high speed galaxy collision with episodic star formation
The galaxy system Arp 119 (CPG 29) contains a southern member, Arp 119S (Mrk 984), that has an extremely disturbed appearance, and a northern member, Arp 119N, a gas-poor elliptical.
Arp 119: A High-Speed Galaxy Collision With Episodic
2000年8月8日 · We compare multi-wavelength observations of the Arp 119 system with a combined n-body/SPH simulation of colliding galaxies. We find that the progression of recent, large-scale star formation in...
Arp 119 | Galaxies in Pisces | Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies
Here are the key stats on Arp 119: Arp 119 is a peculiar galaxy in the constellation of Pisces.
ARP Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies - California Institute of Technology
HALTON ARP MOUNT WILSON AND PALOMAR OBSERVATORIES CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Published by the California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California 91109 1966. Table of Contents. Preface; Introduction; Catalog; References; Table 1; Remarks for Table 1; Figure 1; Figure 2; Figure 3; Figure 4; Arp 1-4 ...
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