Arp 240 - Wikipedia
Arp 240 is a pair of interacting spiral galaxies located in the constellation Virgo. The two galaxies are listed together as Arp 240 in the Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies. [4] . The galaxy on the right is known as NGC 5257, while the galaxy on the left is known as NGC 5258.
NGC 5257 and NGC 5258, aka Arp 240 - kopernik.org
2002年5月21日 · NGC 5257 and NGC 5258 are an interacting pair of spiral galaxies in Virgo. There is a dim bridge of stars connecting the two and both galaxies show signs of massive star formation and both also have Active Galactic Nuclei. This pair is also known as Arp 240. There are a number of dim background galaxies in the image.
NGC 5257, NGC 5258 - ESA/Hubble
2008年4月24日 · Arp 240 is an astonishing galaxy pair, composed of spiral galaxies of similar mass and size, NGC 5257 and NGC 5258. The galaxies are visibly interacting with each other via a bridge of dim stars connecting the two galaxies, almost like two dancers holding hands while performing a pirouette.
Hubble Interacting Galaxy NGC 5257 | HubbleSite
2008年4月24日 · NGC 5257/8 (Arp 240) is an astonishing galaxy pair, composed of spiral galaxies of similar mass and size, NGC 5257 and NGC 5258. The galaxies are visibly interacting with each other via a bridge of dim stars connecting the two galaxies, almost like two dancers holding hands while performing a pirouette.
APOD: 2016 November 28 - Arp 240: A Bridge between Spiral …
2016年11月28日 · Galactic mergers are thought to be common, with Arp 240 representing a snapshot of a brief stage in this inevitable process. The Arp 240 pair are about 300 million light-years distant and can be seen with a small telescope toward the constellation of Virgo .
[2412.07985] The Arp 240 Galaxy Merger: A Detailed Look at the ...
2024年12月10日 · We study SF and molecular gas (MG) distribution in the early-stage luminous infrared galaxy merger Arp240 (NGC5257-8). Using VLA radio continuum (RC) and ALMA CO (2-1) observations with a uniform grid analysis, we estimate SF rates and MG surface densities (ΣSFR and ΣH2, respectively). In Arp 240, N is sub-linear at 0.52 ± 0.17.
(PDF) The Arp 240 Galaxy Merger: A Detailed Look at the …
2024年12月10日 · We study SF and molecular gas (MG) distribution in the early-stage luminous infrared galaxy merger Arp240 (NGC5257-8). Using VLA radio continuum (RC) and ALMA CO (2-1) observations with a uniform...
APOD: 2016 November 28 - Arp 240: A Bridge between Spiral
這二個合稱為Arp 240的星系對,個別的編錄號是NGC 5257和NGC 5258。 電腦模擬和它們星團的年齡 指出 ,這二個星系首次的近距離通過對方附近,發生在相對左近的2億5千萬年前。
每日星空:arp240:哈勃望远镜拍摄的螺旋星系之间的桥梁 – lin的 …
2016年11月28日 · 引力波不仅带走了物质,还压缩了气体,从而在星系和这座不同寻常的桥上形成了恒星。星系合并被认为是常见的,arp240代表了这一不可避免过程中一个短暂阶段的快照。Arp 240对距离我们约3亿光年,可以用小型望远镜观测到室女座。
Arp 240 - Experienced Deep Sky Imaging - Cloudy Nights
2008年7月23日 · Arp 240 is two interacting galaxies at about 300 million light years. They are NGC 5258 and NGC 5257 left to right. Their cores are very bright and the tidal arms very faint.