ARP Odyssey - Wikipedia
ARP developed the Odyssey as a direct competitor to the Moog Minimoog and an answer to the demand for more affordable, portable, and less complicated "performance" synthesizers. [1] [2] ARP produced several versions of the Odyssey from 1972 to 1980.
ARP Odyssey 1 | Vintage Synth Explorer
The Odyssey essentially gives you a simplified hard-wired ARP 2600 in a much smaller and affordable package. The Odyssey is a 2-oscillator analog synth (with duo-phonic capability) and it sounds really nice; the Minimoog has three oscillators and is capable of thicker sounds.
The original ARP Odyssey was a 2VCO duo-phonic instrument. Its most distinctive feature was its sharp, penetrating sound and its rich range of tonal variation. With a variety of functions and modulation possibilities provided by oscillator sync, sample & hold, pulse width modulation, high-pass filter, two types of envelope generator, and pitch ...
2017年1月12日 · As an alternative to the 86% size ARP ODYSSEY with its compact slim keyboard, we've created the ARP ODYSSEY FS, a long-awaited full-size model with a standard keyboard.
ARP Odyssey Analog Synthesizer - Sweetwater
ARP Odyssey Duophonic Analog Synth Features: A faithful, 86%-scale re-creation of a classic synth 37-note Slimkey keybed (no velocity sensitivity, no aftertouch - just like the original)
Korg ARP Odyssey Rev1 37 -Slim Key Duophonic Analog - Reverb
The 1970s ARP Odyssey has left a legacy in its wake, and because of that, Korg has reissued the legendary synth in the form of the Korg ARP Odyssey. This modern reissue boasts three filter options along with dual VCOs that can operate both monophonically and duophonically.
How to get the most out of the Korg ARP Odyssey - MusicRadar
2020年5月11日 · On the Moog side, the Mini offered three oscillators, Bob’s massive filter, and ease of use. On the ARP side, the duophonic Odyssey included lowpass and highpass filters, hard sync, ring mod, and incredibly sophisticated modulation resources.
The Ultimate Arp Odyssey Information Resource Page
The ultimate information resource about the ARP Odyssey synthesizer. Features include history, schematics, manuals, tecontent=
The ARP Odyssey: Keyboard Performance Redefined
As a crowning touch to its reimagining of the Odyssey, Korg released ARP ODYSSEi in 2016. This app runs on iPhones and iPads, and accurately recreates the classic Odyssey sound. It can be...
ARP 2813 Odyssey Mark II Monophonic Analog Synthesizer
The ARP Odyssey is a dual oscillator analog synthesizer and one of the first synths to feature duophonic capability. The MKII features a ladder-style 4-pole low-pass filter, a black finish with gold lettering, and three pressure-sensitive Proportional …