ARX200 - Rainbow Six Wiki
"Heavy hitting .308 NATO assault rifle, both fully automatic or single shot." The ARX200 is an assault rifle featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege in the Operation Wind Bastion expansion pack. It is available for use by Nomad and Iana. Nomad's ARX200 comes with an irremovable Airjab launcher.
ARX200 突击步枪 - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
ARX-160突击步枪,是意大利军方在2000年代初启动的"21世纪未来战士"(COMBATTENTE 2000-21st Century Fighter)计划的一部分。 该计划首先在1999年提出,在2001年7月被意大利政府采纳,批准了4年的研发计划并拨款1700万欧元,计划被更名为"未来士兵"(SOLDATO FUTURO),旨在提升 ...
ARX200 - Liquipedia Rainbow Six Wiki
It was introduced in the Operation Wind Bastion expansion pack and is available for use by Nomad & Iana.
ARX200 - R6S.skin
Rainbow Six Siege skin database.
Rainbow Six:ARX200 - The Tom Clancy Wiki
"Heavy hitting .308 NATO assault rifle, both fully automatic or single shot." The ARX200 is an assault rifle featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege in the Operation Wind Bastion expansion pack. It is available for use by Nomad and Iana. Nomad's ARX200 comes with an irremovable Airjab launcher.
彩六玩家的心头好,但实际冷门到被认为是虚构的?-ARX-200评测 …
育碧数值设计思路是怎样的?-R4C简评【彩虹六号:围攻】,沟槽的arx,致敬彩六传奇1.5,这就是彩六最好用的倍镜?-Trijicon ACOG 1.5x16S介绍【彩虹六号:围攻】,PKM现代改型,真的比原版要更好吗?古彩六掌管反恐的神!
枪械伤害性能数据比对表 - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 | Tom …
在《彩虹六号:围攻》中,霰弹武器伤害需要考虑到弹丸命中数量,结合最快连点发射速度才能代入计算公式。 而弹丸命中数量受到了武器扩散率和目标距离影响,除此之外在实际战斗过程中还受到了概率学和掩体因素所影响,所以TTK对于霰弹能够提供的参考意义非常有限,故于本条目中不列出这类武器的TTK和DPS对比。 注意 这里的伤害数据排序是以单发弹丸的伤害值为依据。 ↑ 理论误差 - 百度百科 某些枪械的极高射速或者弹容量过低使得其能在1秒钟内把就绪的弹药全部 …
武器专栏:伯莱塔ARX-200突击步枪 - 哔哩哔哩
ARX200 or G36C for Iana? : r/SiegeAcademy - Reddit
Basically, if you're confident you can hit your shots and don't care for angled grip, ARX is the way to go. If you're not confident or you need the angled grip, go for G36C. I really like the gun options because there's reasons to play both.
What is so good about the ARX200, and why should I choose it ... - Reddit
2021年9月1日 · ARX is a zero recoil gun that hits like a truck, that has objectively better optics than the G36, especially after that gun looses the 2.0 scope. Only real advantage the G36 has is the angled grip and then you have to ask yourself the question, if that is enough for you to play with inferior optics?
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