Displaying ASCII characters above 132 - Free Pascal
2012年11月26日 · Re: Displaying ASCII characters above 132 « Reply #2 on: November 23, 2012, 05:00:07 pm » This codesnippet uses the AnsiToUtf8 function to get the higher ansi character codes to display correctly in Lazarus (provided the memo's font has displayable characters for those codes).
Why is printing Ascii characters in a console and ListBox different?
2024年3月20日 · Why is printing Ascii characters in a console and ListBox different? Free Pascal Website Downloads ...
[SOLVED] UTF8Encode(String(Chr(i))) - Free Pascal
2016年8月30日 · Ascii 130 = é Ascii 131 = â Ascii 132 = ä Ascii 133 = à Ascii 134 = å Ascii 135 = ç Ascii 136 = ê Ascii 137 = ë Ascii 138 = è Ascii 139 = ï Ascii 140 = î Ascii 141 = ì Ascii 142 = Ä Ascii 143 = Å Ascii 144 = É Ascii 145 = æ Ascii 146 = Æ Ascii 147 = ô Ascii 148 = ö Ascii 149 = ò Ascii 150 = û Ascii 151 = ù Ascii 152 = ÿ ...
Non-ASCII paths in Microsoft Access (TODBCConnection)
As for the issue: I'd be very surprised if it's an issue of access or its ODBC-Driver itself, since Non-ASCII-Paths go back post Win3.11 as far as i can remember. And there was already a lot of Software using Access (mainly from VB4/5/6) «
ASCII Art - forum.lazarus.freepascal.org
It convert a Picture to ASCII using BGRABitmap For the fun... B-> AsciiArt.zip (127.74 kB ...
Can Synchronize() be called from the main thread? - Free Pascal
2019年11月4日 · If the thread doesn't have to be blocked (e.g. for hex/ASCII debugging output rather than GUI interaction) an alternative is PostMessage() except that it has no protection against reentrancy (if the handler does an A.PM etc.), the best choice appears to be QueueAsyncCall() which is non-blocking and protects against reentrancy.
How to read GPS data from COM port, install into Windows …
2020年1月17日 · Reading and parsing the NMEA isn't a problem, they are like ASCII csv strings with a CRC added. I believe the codes in LazSerial and the NMEA site do this, as do my own codes. I am stuck at the process of 'force feeding' the sensor data into the Windows Geolocation API, so that other Win programs can read it, much as Android apps do.
[SOLVED] Convert String to ASCII code as Integer - Free Pascal
2013年4月16日 · Re: [SOLVED] Convert String to ASCII code as Integer « Reply #14 on: April 16, 2013, 10:51:37 pm » ... and, if you want to get code of char by char, you can use a small code like:
Extended ASCII problem
2019年2月5日 · Ok. So the other day i was using the chr() function to display some extended ASCII characters, mainly 176 to 223. everything was going ok until i started using: uses crt; I wanted to draw some old school window boxes using this characters but when i code the uses crt; the characters changed to letters...
how to return ascii code for char? - Free Pascal
I would like to know how to return ascii code for characters in a string. The ord function should work but I'm getting error: incompatible types: got "ansistring" expected char