ASCII码对照表,ASCII码一览表(非常详细) - C语言中文网
STX 表示 Start Of Text,意思是“文本开始”;ETX 表示 End Of Text,意思是“文本结束”。 通过某种通讯协议去传输的一个数据(包),称为一帧的话,常会包含一个帧头,包含了寻址信息,即你是要发给谁,要发送到目的地是哪里,其后跟着真正要发送的数据内容。 而 STX,就用于标记这个数据内容的开始。 接下来是要传输的数据,最后是 ETX,表明数据的结束。 而中间具体传输的数据内容,ASCII 并没有去定义,它和你所用的传输协议有关。 BELl,响铃。 在 ASCII 编码 …
ASCII字符集中的功能/控制字符 - 潇湘灬隐者 - 博客园
2017年1月4日 · 简言之: ASCII 中前 32 个字符,统称为 Function Code 功能字符。 此外,由于 ASCII 中的 127 对应的是 Delete ,也是不可见的,所以,此处根据笔者的理解,也可以归为 Function Code 。 此类字符,对应不同的“功能”,起到一定的“控制作用”,所以,称为控制字符。
ASCII character #3. Char ETX - End of Text
The End-of-Text character (ETX) (hex value of 0x03, frequently showed as ^C) is an ASCII control character. Its function is to let the receiving computer know that the end of the data stream has been reached.
End-of-Text character - Wikipedia
The End-of-Text character (ETX) is a control character used to inform the receiving computer that the end of a record has been reached. This may or may not be an indication that all of the data in a record have been received.
End of Text - ASCII Code - ASCII table
The End of Text character (␃) is a control character in the ASCII and Unicode character sets with the value of 3. It is often abbreviated as ETX. The End of Text character was originally used in the context of telecommunications to indicate the end of the text portion of …
史上最全ASCII码对照表0-255(%d) - CSDN博客
2018年8月29日 · 如果我们每个⼈⾃⼰给这些字符中的每个字符编⼀个⼆进制序列,这个叫做编码,为了⽅便⼤家相互通信,不造成混乱,后来美国国家标准学会(ansi)出台了⼀个标准 ascii 编码,c语⾔中的字符就遵循了 ascii 编码的⽅式。在键盘上可以敲出各种字符,如:a,q ...
ASCII中的控制字符含义 - CSDN博客
2016年3月27日 · ascii 码使用指定的7 位或8 位二进制数组合来表示128 或256 种可能的字符。标准ascii 码也叫基础ascii码,使用7 位二进制数(剩下的1位二进制为0)来表示所有的大写和小写字母,数字0 到9、...
ASCII Table / character codes – SS64.com
Convert between Binary, Decimal, Hex and Base 36. Greek alphabet / Currency / Accented letters. ASCII Table, ASCII is a numeric computer code used to represent characters from the alphabet. Each character is represented by a number.
Control character - Wikipedia
In the ASCII standard there are 33 control characters, such as code 7, BEL, which rings a terminal bell. Procedural signs in Morse code are a form of control character. A form of control characters were introduced in the 1870 Baudot code: NUL and DEL.