ASL102112 | ASLAN - PASİF KOMPONENTLER - ozdisan.com
TRAFO DOKUMLU 1.2VA 12V EI30/12.5. 1- Özdisan bayisi olabilmek için şirket faaliyet belgesinde ... alanlarından birinde faaliyet göstermeniz gerekmektedir.
- 评论数: 1万
TinyCircuits ASL102112 - Unclassified | Vexon
TinyCircuits ASL102112, Uncategorized, is in stock at Vexon Electronics. Check pricing and inventory for TinyCircuits ASL102112 or order online today!
asl 102106 230 6 200 1-5 / 7-9 10,10 asl 102108 230 7,5 160 1-5 / 7-9 11,10 asl 102109 230 9 133 1-5 / 7-9 15,70 asl 102112 230 12 100 1-5 / 7-9 20,80 asl 102115 230 15 80 1-5 / 7-9 25,70 asl 102118 230 18 67 1-5 / 7-9 32,40 asl 102124 230 24 50 1-5 / 7-9 43,70
ASL 102208 2 x 7,5 2 x 80 2 x 11,2 E L E K T R O N İ K * VDE onaysız / not VDE approved Özellikleri VDE 0570 / EN 61558 Normuna Göre Vakum Dolgulu İki Bölmeli Sarım İzolasyon Sınıfı 70° C/F Kısa Devre Dayanıklı Ağırlığı 85 Gr. Characteristic According to VDE 0570 / EN 61558 Potted under vacuum Split-Bobbin
1.2VA 0-12V Kapalı Trafo ASL102112 - sedaradyo.com
Interface IC, Driver, Receiver, Transceiver Entegreler; Opto Coupler; CD Serisi Entegreler
【ASL102112】 - ASLAN | ConnectorTrade
Part Number Description Stock; ASL130040 : TRAFO DOKUMLU 2X12V 6/230V EI38/13,6 : 3: ASL131212 : TRAFO DOKUMLU 5.4VA 2X12V R27 : 4: ASL103109 : TRAFO DOKUMLU 1.5VA 9V EI30/12.5
- 评论数: 1
EI30 / 10,5 - 1.2 VA - Aslan Elektronik Malatya
ASL 102118: 230: 18: 67: 1-5 / 7-9: 32,40: ASL 102124: 230: 24: 50: 1-5 / 7-9: 43,70: ASL 102206: 230: 2x6: 2 x 100: 1-5 / 6-7 + 9-10: 9,80 / 10,70: ASL 102208: 230: 2x7,5: 2 x 80: 1-5 / 6-7 + 9-10: 11,2 / 11,2: ASL 102209: 230: 2x9: 2 x 67: 1-5 / 6-7 + 9-10: 15,40 / 16,85: ASL 102212: 230: 2x12: 2 x 50: 1-5 / 6-7 + 9-10: 20,80 / 20,48: ASL ...
ASL102112 | TinyCircuits Unclassified | Kynix
Unclassified ASL102112 Kynix Electronics offers pricing and availability on millions of electronic components.
- 评论数: 19
102112 General Electric ES-102 AUXILIARY SWITCH ASSEMBLY …
IPS stocks GE ES-102 AUXILIARY SWITCH ASSEMBLY 6NO/6NC. Order online or contact us!
ASL102112 ASLAN TRAFO Resources - EasyEDA
Std Edition. Easy to use and quick to get started. The process supports design scales of 300. devices or 1000 pads.. Supports simple circuit simulation.