Agent 40 Special Edition Cerakote - ASP, Inc.
We’ve taken our best-selling concealable baton—the Agent 40 Airweight—and made it available with your choice of three handle colors: Choose from Titanium Gray, Burnt Bronze or Desert Sage Green, designed to complement some of the most popular colors in firearms and other tactical gear. The color is applied to the handles with genuine ...
The UNIPHOS precision gas detector consists of two parts viz. i) the gas detector tubes and ii) air sampling pump (ASP-40). Together they form the UNIPHOS gas detection system. The air sampling pump is used to draw a precisely defined volume of sample air through the detector tube for determining the impurity gas concentration in the air sample.
Agent Infinity Concealable Baton, (Steel) 40cm - ASP, Inc.
The Agent Baton incorporates a 4140 steel striking surface. The 4140 Steel middle shaft and handle are forged to shape and then precision machined. The grip is fine line, Crosstec knurled with spiral micro grooves. Rings accept the included Nexus baton clip. Agent Batons expand to 30, 40 or 5. . . Show More
Uniphos Air Sampling Pump and Accessories
The Uniphos ASP-40 pump is a light weight and rugged piston and barrel type of air sampling pump that creates a vacuum in the pump barrel causing it to draw an accurate volume of sample air through the connected gas detector tube. The integrated end-of-stroke indicator changes colour to indicate the completion of sampling.
ASP-40 Piston Tube Pump Features Benefits Piston and barrel air sampling pump for on the spot results A highly reproducible sample volume is drawn through the detector tube each time. The detector tube discolors in the presence of the target gas with the resulting stain interpreted directly by the scale on the tube.
Uniphos Air Sampling Pump - Safetic
2023年11月12日 · The Uniphos ASP-40 pump is a light weight and rugged piston and barrel type of air sampling pump that creates a vacuum in the pump barrel causing it to draw an accurate volume of sample air through the connected gas detector tube.
ASP-40-60-80-120-160_福建德霸食品机械有限公司 - tbfmcan.com
型号:asp-40. 电压:380v三相. 功率: 5hp 3.75kw. 搅拌能力:一包粉 (25公斤) 面团容量: 40公斤. 速度:双速(慢速,快速) 电机:进口双电机(搅拌勾,搅拌桶) 计时器:快慢速双计时器 . 2. asp-60 1.包半拌粉机. 型号:asp-60. 电压:380v三相. 功率:7.0hp 5.25kw. 搅拌能力:一包半面粉 (37.5公斤 ...
ASP-40/50KTLC - 组串型 - 山东奥太电气有限公司
三相组串式逆变器是户用、小型工业与商业以及扶贫电站设计。 支持4路MPPT,8路输入,每路MPPT最大电流可达30A,充分释放双面组件潜力;最大效率98.8%;宽电压工作范围友好适应弱电网环境,稳定发电不脱网;防护等级全面升至IP66,在各种恶劣的场景均能稳定运行。 直流组串智能监控,支持后台智能 I-V 曲线扫描。 TLC系列三相组串式逆变器是户用、小型工业与商业以及扶贫电站设计。 支持4路MPPT,8路输入,每路MPPT最大电流可达30A,充分释放双面组件潜 …
Uniphos Asp-40 | Pumps | Accessories | Gasdetectorsusa
Uniphos Pump Kit ASP-40 KIT for gas detector tubes, includes piston pump, carrying case and Rebuild Kit
雷鸟ASP-40双速拌粉机 - trjddq.com
asp-40为容量一袋粉之双速拌粉机。 主要用于生产面包之面团搅拌,每次可入一袋25公斤面粉加上60%之水份及添加料在10分钟左右可完成40公斤的标准面团。
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