What is the Legality of an ASP in Washington State
2010年10月23日 · I don't like the ASP, or any baton, for that matter. Being trained in MMA, among other disciplines, I feel more confident using my fists, knees and elbows than a baton.
Legality of carrying an extendable baton, openly or concealed in MI.
2016年3月22日 · Hey everyone, I'm posting here today because I'm interested in learning about the legality of carrying an extendable baton, and using it in self defense if...
What is the Legality of an ASP in Washington State
2010年10月23日 · Does anyone know of any official training in this area or any martial art that focuses on a weapon that is the same basic concept as a Baton? Also, what is the legality of concealing an ASP? I know that there are certain weapons that you're not allowed to Conceal, but I didn't know if an ASP counted.
collapsable baton | OpenCarry.org - A Right Unexercised is a Right …
2012年1月15日 · In the new concealed carry law in Wi it states you can carry a billy club if you have a concealed carry permit.Would a collapsable baton be a billy club or same thing?
Expandable Batons, Legal or illegal in NC? - OpenCarry.org
2011年5月7日 · Ok, I have seen a few post on here that say some carry expandable batons. Is it legal in NC to do so? I have googled and looked at some laws and I have come to the conclusion that they are illegal to carry. But if I'm wrong can you point it out to me.
Next to Last Resort: Baton? - OpenCarry.org
2013年3月25日 · I'll admit right off that I may be wrong, but I believe the expandable (police) baton is illegal to carry. And that's a problem for me given the emphasis on use of a defensive firearm as a last resort. The question is if the intruder/assailant isn't producing a gun as a part of his threat why...
Non-lethal weapons? | OpenCarry.org - A Right Unexercised is a …
2010年8月6日 · Less than lethal weapons ('dangerous instruments' in ARS talk) can be deadly force or not, depending on how used (a baton to the head or neck will be deadly force, for example). Again, using a baton on an unarmed aggressor is not a good idea, as you will probably be charged with aggrivated assault.
A Right Unexercised is a Right Lost - OpenCarry.org
2008年3月17日 · Delaware's laws a blisfully sparse -- the only statute that specifically refers to the word 'Baton' is an offense against attempting to remove the weapon, spray or baton from an officer.
Billy Club, as it pertains to Act 35 | OpenCarry.org - A Right ...
2011年12月23日 · I have been trying to find a legal definition by the DOJ as to what constitutes as a "Billy club". Do they mean an old school Monadnock police baton, a lead filled leather sap or "blackjack", a "hickory tire knocker" that one can pick up a …
Who is | OpenCarry.org - A Right Unexercised is a Right Lost
2009年12月15日 · For now, I carry my ASP baton, and my smith & wesson knife. I've come out of a lot of situations unharmed, using my brain, which could be a better weapon in most cases.