Asps and Other Stinging Caterpillars - Insects in the City
In Texas these caterpillars are commonly known as “asps”. This caterpillar is often abundant and may infest shade trees and shrubbery around homes, schools, and in parks. They are of minor …
Megalopyge opercularis - Wikipedia
Megalopyge opercularis is a moth of the family Megalopygidae. It has numerous common names, including southern flannel moth for its adult form, and puss caterpillar, asp, Italian asp, fire …
5 things to know about asps, those poisonous, stinging caterpillars
Nov 12, 2018 · According to Texas A&M University, the state is home to a few different kinds of stinging caterpillars, which are called asps. It’s not common to get stung, but if you’ve ever …
Puss Moth Caterpillar (Asp) Stings - The Merck Manuals
Puss moth caterpillars (Megalopyge opercularis), of the order Lepidoptera, are also known as asps. They are one of the most toxic caterpillars in North America. Puss moth caterpillars are …
Scientists Reveal Why Asp Caterpillar Stings Are So Excruciatingly ...
Jul 13, 2023 · Scientists at the University of Queensland in Australia decided to find out. The team revealed that the venom of asp caterpillars, also known as puss caterpillars, contains a special …
The Texas Asp: Do Not Pet This Cuddly-Looking, Fuzzy Caterpillar
Oct 26, 2021 · The best-known flannel moth and stinging caterpillar in Texas is the puss moth caterpillar, Megalopyge opercularis, commonly called an “Asp.” This caterpillar is often …
Puss Caterpillar or "asp" - Field Guide to Common Texas Insects
Common Name: Puss caterpillar or “asp” Scientific Name: Megalopyge opercularis (J. E. Smith) Order: Lepidoptera Description: The caterpillars grow to about 1 inch long and are furry in …
Everything you need to know about the venomous asp caterpillars ... - Chron
Apr 6, 2020 · Despite their harmless-looking appearance, asp caterpillars, or Megalopyge opercularis, are considered North America's most venomous caterpillar species. Common in …
Identifying the ASP Caterpillar: A Comprehensive Guide
Sep 14, 2023 · The ASP caterpillar, also known as the puss caterpillar, is a fascinating creature that can be found in various parts of the world. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into …
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Is This a Photograph of a Venomous 'Asp' Caterpillar?
Sep 7, 2014 · Megalopyge opercularis, commonly known in Texas as an "asp" is one of the most toxic caterpillars in North America. Also known as puss moth caterpillars, the larva are …