Advanced Sterilization Products (ASP) - Fortive
Advanced Sterilization Products (ASP) is a leader in infection prevention, dedicated to creating the products, solutions, and processes needed by practitioners to protect patients during their most critical moments.
Advanced Sterilization Products (ASP) your leaders in sterilization
Introducing BIOTRACE™ Instant Read Steam Biological Indicator System, offering confidence in decision-making - because every second counts. Discover how SPDs drive patient safety, trust, and satisfaction. Download our eBook to learn more. Discover the first low temperature sterilization technology designed for H2O2-compatible duodenoscopes.
About Us - ASP
ASP is proud to be a Fortive operating company. At its root, Fortive means STRENGTH - strength in numbers, strength in skills and perspectives, strength in our shared conviction to make an impact. Fortive is a global team, 19,000 strong, energized by a powerful purpose as we create essential technology that helps the world move forward.
美国Fortive斥资27亿美元,购入强生的灭菌产品事业部 - NAI 500
美国工业集团Fortive宣布,已经与强生公司签订有约束力协议,将以现金27亿美元收购强生公司的Ethicon(爱惜康)旗下高级灭菌产品事业部(ASP)。 爱惜康的高级灭菌产品事业部主要提供用于可重复使用手术器械的低温灭菌和消毒产品,2017年净营业收入约为7.75亿 ...
Fortive Completes Acquisition of Advanced ... - Fortive Corporation
2019年4月1日 · ASP is a leading global provider of innovative sterilization and disinfection solutions, and a pioneer of low-temperature hydrogen peroxide sterilization technology. ASP supports healthcare facilities in the fight to protect patients against hospital-acquired infections, which are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality.
2018年6月7日 · 强生于6月6日宣布收到 Fortive Corporation 收购爱惜康(Ethicon, Inc.)旗下高级灭菌产品事业部(ASP)的约束性要约,交易总价值为大约28亿美元,其中27亿美元来自Fortive的现金收益,1亿美元为自留净应收款项。
Johnson & Johnson Completes Divestiture of Advanced …
2019年4月1日 · ASP supports healthcare facilities in the fight to protect patients against hospital-acquired infections, which are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality. ASP solutions include capital, consumables and software for use in Low-Temperature Terminal Sterilization and High-Level Disinfection of reusable surgical instruments.
Fortive Announces Binding Offer to Acquire the Advanced …
EVERETT, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Fortive Corporation (“Fortive”) (NYSE: FTV) announced today that it has made a binding offer to Ethicon, Inc.*, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, to purchase the Advanced Sterilization Products (“ASP”) business for approximately $2.7 billion in …
Advanced Sterilization Products领袖提高亚洲医疗感染预防标准
Advanced Sterilization Products (ASP) 是为医疗卫生行业提供感染预防解决方案的全球领先公司。 该公司在医疗灭菌和消毒方面拥有先进的产品、技术和工作流程,专注于保护患者、家庭、医疗卫生工作者、提供者和社区的生命。 ASP开发了第一个过氧化氢终端灭菌STERRAD™,并开发了CIDEX™ OPA、AEROFLEX™等高端消毒产品和PRESEPT™等低端消毒产品。 这些解决方案提供医疗卫生专业人士所需的保障,因为这些产品能在最关键的时刻保护患者。 ASP在全球 …
Johnson & Johnson Announces Binding Offer from Fortive …
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J., June 6, 2018 -- Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) today announced that it has received a binding offer from Fortive Corporation (NYSE: FTV) to acquire its Advanced Sterilization Products (ASP) business, a division of Ethicon, Inc.*, for an aggregate value of approximately $2.8 billion, consisting of $2.7 billion of cash ...