蘋果酸-天門冬胺酸梭子 (Malate-aspartate shuttle) - 小小整理網站 …
蘋果酸─天門冬胺酸梭子(Malate-aspartate shuttle)共五種分子參與: a. 草醋酸(oxaloacetate;OAA)與NADH皆無法穿過粒線體內膜. b. NADH+H+釋放能量,使OAA經蘋果酸脫氫酶轉變為蘋果酸(malate) d. Malate接著在基質中行步驟b.的逆向反應,反應如下: e. 粒線體基質中的OAA則會與谷胺酸(Glutamate;Glu)作用,經轉胺酵素(transaminase)行轉胺作用形成α-KG和天冬胺酸(Aspartate;Asp) f. 步驟e.中的α-KG則會透過步驟c.的反向傳送體送 …
Glutamine supports pancreatic cancer growth through a KRAS …
2013年3月27日 · GOT1 catalyses the conversion of aspartate (Asp) and α-KG into oxaloacetate (OAA) and Glu in the cytoplasm. Indeed, GOT1 knockdown led to increased Gln-derived Asp (and total Asp) and decreased...
生科院周如鸿教授和易文教授团队在Nature Chemical Biology联合 …
2022年7月25日,生命科学学院 周如鸿 教授团队和 易文 教授团队合作在生物化学及分子生物学高影响力期刊Nature Chemical Biology上发表了题为“O-GlcNAcylation promotes pancreatic tumor growth by regulating malate dehydrogenase...
Aspulvinone O, a natural inhibitor of GOT1 suppresses pancreatic …
2019年8月30日 · PDAC cells metabolize Gln in a manner that is different from canonical model sand that Gln derived aspartate (Asp) was transported into the cytoplasm, in which glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 1 (GOT1) catalyses the conversion of aspartate (Asp) and α-KG into oxaloacetate (OAA) and glutamate (Glu), afterward, successive reactions catalyzed by ...
代谢学人--三羧酸循环之华山论剑 - 知乎
草酰乙酸参与糖异生作用(磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase,PEPC)在线粒体和胞液中都存在,因此OAA可在线粒体中直接转变为PEP,OAA也可在胞液中被转变成PEP。
O-GlcNAcylation promotes pancreatic tumor growth by regulating …
2022年7月25日 · In PDAC, Gln-derived aspartate (Asp) is transported from mitochondria into the cytosol, where it is converted sequentially by aspartate transaminase 1 (GOT1), MDH1 and malic enzyme 1...
Mitochondrial glutamine metabolism via GOT2 supports
2018年1月19日 · Gln-derived Asp is metabolized by cytosolic GOT1 into OAA and then converted into malate, which is oxidized by malic enzyme (ME1) to produce NADPH, providing the reducing power to maintain...
Asparagine Plays a Critical Role in Regulating Cellular Adaptation …
2014年10月23日 · We found that knockdown of CS resulted in redirection of OAA into aspartate and asparagine biosynthesis. Subsequent studies demonstrated that asparagine can maintain the viability of glutamine-deprived cells without restoration of anaplerosis or the levels of other nonessential amino acids.
Glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase 1 as a potential target in …
2022年2月15日 · GOT1 can transfer nitrogen from Glu to oxaloacetate (OAA) to produce Asp and α-ketoglutarate (α-KG) (Hayashi et al., 2003; Li and Le, 2018). In the meanwhile, GOT1 also catalyzes L-aspartate and α-KG into OAA and L-glutamate (Jiang et al., 2015).
2020年3月21日 · Mal-Asp穿梭是在照光叶绿体中Asp经α-酮戊二酸-Asp转氨酶作用形成谷氨酸和OAA,OAA经NADP+-Mal脱氢酶作用消耗NADPH还原为Mal,Mal通过“双羧酸运转器”透过叶绿体被膜输送至细胞质中。