ASP Scout or Explorer? :: Elite Dangerous General Discussions
2017年2月9日 · Asp Scout may well be the most under-appreciated hull in the game. It's a great little Multipurpose ship and fully equipped for Exploration it's only half the price of an Asp Explorer. But most players would rather do whatever a Youtube video tells them than think originally and so the Scout rarely ever gets used.
Asp Scout - what it is good for? You like to fly it - Reddit
2016年2月25日 · The Asp Scout been naggin' my brain for a while to buy it, probably 'cause it's the only boat that've been introduced with the deployment of the new rides and I didn't try yet,( and the longer I stare at the engine arrangement the more I like it despite my initial dislike ) but honestly I don't know if I could find any role for it.
Asp Scout : r/EliteDangerous - Reddit
2022年11月2日 · The Scout isn't terrible for exploration purposes though, and in my opinion, it's way less ugly than the AspX. Second, the Scout is by far the best ship for HGE farming. The high pitch rate at 0% speed means you'll be turning around much quicker than any other ship than the Federal Eagle, and that one doesn't have nearly enough internal space ...
Asp - Explorer or Scout? : r/EliteDangerous - Reddit
2016年1月1日 · The Asp. E is a better ship across the board, but at a much steeper price point. If you want a ship that lasts, then the Asp. E. is, in my opinion, the better choice. The Asp. S. Is cheaper yes, but I wouldn't say that it is much better than the Cobra
ASP Scout Exploration build : r/EliteDangerous - Reddit
2016年12月20日 · ASP Scout Exploration build Hello, to start of, dont expect me to buy a ASP Explorer, i bought it but it was to heavy and slow-reaction to my liking, so the ASP S will have to do.
The Asp Scout vs Asp Explorer- a short comparison album
2015年11月14日 · The DBE and Asp Scout can both fit a class 4 scoop. The Asp Explorer can mount a class 6 scoop. The Asp Scout is a smaller ship and mounts a class 4 FSD and a 16t tank. However, the DBE uses the Class 5 FSD and a 32t tank just like the Asp Explorer. Comparison with no frills: Asp Scout (10.3m) 4A scoop time: 46 seconds, 5.3 jumps (7.7m 4C scoop ...
Why fly an Asp Scout!? : r/EliteDangerous - Reddit
2020年6月19日 · If the Asp Scout was a 1 million credit ship instead of almost 4 million, I think we'd see it a lot more often as a bridge between the Cobra/Viper and the Vulture/AspX. It's really not a bad ship to fly, but it IS a bad ship when you consider what else you can buy with 4 …
Ships - Asp Scout - Asp Scout Appreciation Thread - Frontier Forums
2019年7月17日 · roughly speaking in terms of straight line speed against a G5 DD PvP build the biggest threats to the scout are medium ships that can fly faster: the python, krait, chieftan, FDL, mamba, asp explorer, DBX and clipper (notice its faster than all of the federal ships thought the FAS does have better top boost). because of its superior agility ...
ASP Scout: Best Explorer in the game! : r/EliteDangerous - Reddit
2022年5月2日 · The ASP Scout is the best explorer in the game for me. The main reason being excellent maneuverability and decent speed when fully engineered. This has come down to the defining factor since I spend a lot of time scouting planet surfaces and buzzing canyons in …
The Asp Scout - Worthy of the HATE? [Elite Dangerous Ship …
The Scout should be ~1.9M so there's a: stuff hauler (T6), people hauler (Dolphin), explorer (DBX), and an all-around med ship like the Scout, all for under 2M cr. Whatever they lose by pricing the Scout lower they can make up by adding to the AspEx cost. The AspEx is such a big jump from the Scout that it really should be priced higher anyway.