Standard Test Method for Using a Rolling ... - ASTM International
2025年2月14日 · 1.1 This test method describes the measurement of transverse and longitudinal surface profiles on paved road, bridge, and airport surfaces using a rolling inclinometer traveling at walking speed.
Using a Rolling Inclinometer to Measure Longitudinal and Transverse Profiles of a Traveled Surface1. This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2133; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original …
ASTM A213/A213M-2019 - 道客巴巴
2020年1月14日 · Scope*1.1 This specif i cation 2 covers seamless ferritic and auste-nitic steel boiler, superheater, and heat-exchanger tubes, des-ignated Grades T5, TP304, etc. These steels are listed in Tables1 and 2.1.2 Grades containing the letter, H, in their designation,have requirements different from those of similar grades notcontaining the letter, H.
Standard Test Method for Using a Rolling Inclinometer to Measure ...
2014年2月19日 · ASTM does not guarantee access, and will not be liable for damages or refunds if the Product becomes unavailable temporarily, or if access becomes slow or incomplete due to system back-up procedures, Internet traffic volume, upgrades, overload of requests to servers, general network failures or delays, or any other cause that may from time to ...
ASTM International - ASTM E2133-03(2020) - Engineering360
2020年11月1日 · Standard Test Method for Using a Rolling Inclinometer to Measure Longitudinal and Transverse Profiles of a Traveled Surface. This test method establishes procedures for collecting elevation and distance data of longitudinal and transverse profiles on a traveled surface. Results of this test are used primarily to:...
ASTM-E2133 | Standard Test Method for Using a Rolling …
ASTM-E2133 Standard Test Method for Using a Rolling Inclinometer to Measure Longitudinal and Transverse Profiles of a Traveled Surface - profiling device; rolling inclinometer; transverse and longitudinal profiles
ASTM E2133-03(2020) - accuristech.com
ASTM E2133-03(2020) Standard Test Method for Using a Rolling Inclinometer to Measure Longitudinal and Transverse Profiles of a Traveled Surface. standard by ASTM International , 11/01/2020. View all product details
ASTM-D2133 | Specification for Acetal Resin Injection Molding …
ASTM-D2133 Specification for Acetal Resin Injection Molding and Extrusion Materials (Withdrawn 1985)
PDF Download ASTM E2133: Standard Test Method for Using a …
It is designed to (1) quantify the roughness of new pavements and bridge decks; (2) Investigate the effect of various construction methods on surface roughness; (3) determine the location for corrective grinding; and (4) evaluate the effect of corrective grinding. The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard.
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