E74 Standard Practices for Calibration and ... - ASTM International
2019年5月1日 · Practices E4 has been written to provide a practice for the force verification of these machines. A necessary element in Practices E4 is the use of force-measuring instruments whose force characteristics are known to be traceable to the SI. Practices E74 describes how these force-measuring instruments are to be calibrated.
(正版) 中文版 ASTM E74-2018验证试验机力值指示用测力仪进 …
2019年4月8日 · astm e74-2006 检验试验机力示值用测力仪的校准 星级: 12 页 astm a 1038-2005 使用超声接触阻抗法的便携式硬度试验的标准规程(侠之生译中文版) 星级: 5 页 astm e1065 e106m-2014 评定超声波探测装置特性的标准规程(中文版) ...
istics are known to be traceable to national standards. Practice E74 describes how these devices are to be calibrated. The procedures are useful to users of testing machines, manufacturers and providers of force mea-suring instruments, calibration laboratories that provide the calibration of the in. tr. ments and the docum.
(正版) 中文版 ASTM E74-2018验证试验机力值指示用测力仪进 …
2024年6月30日 · 方法e74中描述了如何对这些设备进行校准。 对于试验机的用户、测力仪的制造商与供应商、为仪器提供校准服务和溯源性文档的校准实验室,以 及使用设备来验证试验机的服务机构而言,此程序都是有用的。
E74 Standard Practice of Calibration of Force-Measuring …
2018年4月20日 · 4.1 Testing machines that apply and indicate force are in general use in many industries. Practices E4 has been written to provide a practice for the force verification of these machines. A necessary element in Practices E4 is the use of devices whose force characteristics are known to be traceable to national standards. Practice E74 …
方法 e74 中描述了如何对这些设备进行校准。 对于试验 机的用户、测力仪的制造商与供应商、为仪器提供校准服务和溯源性文档的校准实验室,以
ASTM E74-2018验证试验机力值指示用测力仪进行校准的标准规程 …
2022年2月17日 · astm e74-2018验证试验机力值指示用测力仪进行校准的标准规程-中文版 阅读 533 下载 0 大小 4.22M 总页数 35 页 2023-12-15 分享
ASTM E74-18e1 测力仪器校准和验证的标准实施规程-中国标准服 …
2018年2月1日 · 实践 E74 描述如何校准这些测力仪。 本程序适用于试验机用户、测力仪器制造商和供应商、提供仪器校准和可追溯性文件的校准实验室、使用测力仪器验证试验机的服务组织以及执行一般结构试验测量的测试实验室。 1.1 The purpose of these practices is to specify procedures for the calibration of force-measuring instruments.
ASTM-E74 | Standard Practices for Calibration and Verification …
2019年5月1日 · Practices E74 describes how these force-measuring instruments are to be calibrated. The procedures are useful to users of testing machines, manufacturers and providers of force-measuring instruments, calibration laboratories that provide the calibration of the instruments and the documents of traceability, service organizations that use the ...
Designation: E74 − 18ϵ1 Standard Practices for Calibration and Verification for Force-Measuring Instruments1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation E74; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original
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