Schleicher ASW 15 - Wikipedia
The Schleicher ASW 15 is a single-seat sailplane designed in 1968 by Gerhard Waibel and manufactured by Alexander Schleicher GmbH & Co. The ASW 15 has shoulder-mounted wings and an all-flying tailplane, with its single tow-release placement a compromise between winching and aerotowing.
ASW 15 / 15 B | ASSegelflug
asw 15 / 15 b The ASW 15 was the last model produced during Alexander Schleicher’s lifetime. Six days after its first flight on 26 April 1968, the founder and kingpin of the Alexander Schleicher factory passed away.
ASW-15B - Gliders Market
The most beautiful ASW-15B on the market for sale !!!! - version with laminate rib - TN 29 not applicable. To this day, it is preserved in practically perfect condition. The only scratches can be found at the transition of the fuselage to the vertical empennage (from the transport wheel) and a 2 cm paint loss on the leading edge of the left wing.
ASW15.ORG - The Unofficial home of ASW15 and ASW 15(B)
Characteristic for the ASW 15 is the all-moving tailplane set low on the fin, and the shoulder wings have a glassfibre roving spar with the very effective Schlempp-hirth air brakes. The type made its competition debut at the 1968 World Championships at Lezno in Poland, when an ASW 15 by Hans-Werner Grosse of Germany came 10th in the Standard Class.
ASW-15B - Wings and Wheels
One-man wing rigging device, tail dolly, 2x wing stands, canopy cover, bottom and back seat cushions. Condition: Wings 4/5, fuse 3.5/5, trailer 3.5/5. Trailer has new axle assembly and travels very well behind a minivan at highway speeds. Many more pictures at Dropbox, just e-mail me.
ASW-15B - Sailplane Directory
The ASW-15, which first flew in 1968, was Schleicher’s first composite Standard Class design, originally appearing with a fixed wheel and no water ballast in conformity with the then Standard Class rules. It has an all-moving horizontal tail and metal airbrakes for glidepath control. With the modification of the Standard
Familienflieger 2019 „ASW 15B“ Die ASW 15B ist die überarbeitete Version der ASW 15, die im Jahre 1968 von Gerhard Waibel ausgelegt und von der Firma Segelflugzeugbau Alexander Schleicher in Poppenhausen hergestellt wurde. Die Weiterentwicklung fand 1971 statt, wobei die ASW zur besseren Steuerbarkeit ein 11 cm höheres Seitenleitwerk und ...
L‘ASW 15b est un modèle similaire à l‘original, avec des caractéristiques de vol souples mais performantes. Ce modèle convient donc aussi bien aux pilotes qui passent de 2 à 3 axes qu‘aux pilotes expérimentés qui souhaitent voler avec plaisir.
ASW-15/ASW-15B - hao.cz
2023年8月31日 · Jednomístný celolaminátový kluzák klubové třídy, který byl zkonstruován ing. Gerhardem Waiblem u německé firmy Alexander Schleicher GmbH & Co. Kluzák byl navržen podle tehdy platných pravidel pro soutěžní standardní třídu, tj. s pevným podvozkem a bez možnosti vodní přítěže.
ASW-15B EVO 1765 mm - Silence Model
Voici un nouvelle évolution semi-maquette exclusive avec notre mini ASW-15B EVO un planeur de légende pour des vols acrobatiques et dynamiques. Son faible poids de 600 g et 35 g/dm² de charge alaire, le tout associé à son profil SM-S et son aile quadroflaps permettront des vols acrobatiques et dynamiques pour une voltige démonstrative.