AT4 Family - Saab
AT4CS AST. AT4CS AST has confined-space capability as well as an integrated red dot sight and additional bracket system. The AT4CS AST is a weapon optimised for urban combat, capable of defeating multiple target types as well as creating new entry points into buildings.
AT4 - Wikipedia
Anti-structure tandem-warheads (AST) – Designed for urban warfare where a projectile heavier than the HEDP AT4 is needed. This combines a shallow-coned HEAT warhead (resulting in low penetration but producing a wide hole) with a tandem-charge and …
AT4CS AST - Anti-structure tandem warhead - YouTube
2022年5月31日 · The AT4CS AST is a weapon optimized for urban combat, capable of defeating multiple target types as well as creating new entry points into buildings. #antiarmour Read this article why ground...
The AT4CS AST (Anti-structure) is a lightweight, recoilless, fully disposable multi-target weapon suited to close combat ranges. It provides the dismounted soldier with the capability to defeat the multitude of targets encountered in close combat urban operations. ANTI-PERSONNEL The AT4CS HE (High Explosive) enables soldiers to defeat enemy
AT-4CS AST - Army Recognition
2022年2月28日 · The AT4CS AST is an anti-structure tandem weapon that has special internal ballistics allowing to be fired from confined spaces; tight jungle, in front of obstacles, or even with its own troops in close vicinity.
2022年1月23日 · at4cs ast提供具有突破或爆炸模式的串联弹头,该弹头经过优化以击败建筑物内的敌人并摧毁可以创建进入它们的点的结构。 该合同由FFV军械公司签署,负责萨博在印度的地面作战报价。
Saab AT4: over one million delivered, and the saga continues
2022年5月23日 · The AT4CS AST is used in the anti-structure role at ranges up to 200 meters, and is fitted with a tandem warhead capable to defeat a 20 cm thick double reinforced concrete wall, a magnetic mode selector allowing to choose the delay.
space, reduced sensitivity (AT4CS-RS) provides Soldiers with fire-from-enclosure capability, thus providing a significant improvement to Soldier survivability. The AT4CS-RS uses an insensitive munitions (IM) enhanced warhead explosive (PBXN-110), as opposed to the Octol explosive in the original M136 AT4. However, since the AT4CS-RS is
New capabilities for Saab’s AT4 family
2014年6月16日 · The AT4CS family is demonstrated to be a highly reliable, robust and durable weapon system that has been extensively proven in combat. With the upcoming capabilities the AT4CS family will consist of: AT4CS HP (High Penetration) AT4CS RS (Reduced Sensitivity) AT4CS ER (Extended Range) AT4CS AST (Anti-Structure) AT4CS HE (High Explosive)
Explore The Best Of Saab AT4CS AST Details As Of 2024 - AirPra
2024年1月29日 · A versatile disposable recoilless weapon system designed for infantry use, Explore the Best of Saab AT4CS AST. It is a Swedish 84 mm unguided, man-portable, disposable shoulder-fired recoilless destructive (anti-structure/anti-shield) weapon manufactured by Saab Bofors Dynamics—the right way to defeat the enemy in the very beginning.