AT90USB162 | Microchip Technology
Atmel-ICE is a powerful development tool for debugging and programming ARM® Cortex®-M based SAM and AVR microcontrollers with on-chip debug capability. The MPLAB ICE 4 in-circuit emulator system boosts productivity with feature-rich programming and debugging for PIC®, AVR® and SAM devices and dsPIC® Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs).
The Atmel® AVR® AT90USB64/128 is a low-power CMOS 8-bit microcontroller based on the Atmel® AVR® enhanced RISC architecture. By executing powerful instructions in a single clock cycle, the AT90USB64/128 achieves throughputs approaching 1MIPS per MHz allowing the sys-tem designer to optimize power consumption versus processing speed.
8位MCU中的佼佼者——AT90USB KEY2套件评测 - 开发板评测
2016年7月21日 · AT90USBKEY2是一种低成本的基于AT90USB1287 (AT90S系列)单片机的开发套件。 它允许工程师或者学习者快速评价AVR微控制器和AT90USB家族。 芯片特写如下图. 二、测试. 接下来进入上电测试阶段。 首先准备一根Mini-Usb线,然后用起将板卡与PC机相连,D1亮起表示板卡供电正常,效果如图所示: 接上Mini-Usb线缆后,PC机会提示发现新的硬件,并自动安装驱动,这时在设备管理器下面可以看到多了一个USB大容量存储设备,这个就是开发板模拟 …
Congratulations on acquiring the AVR® AT90USBKey. This kit is designed to give designers a quick start to develop code on the AVR® and for prototyping and testing of new designs with the AT90USB microcontroller family. This document describes the AT90USBKey dedicated to the AT90USB AVR microcontroller.
AT90USB162-16AU Microchip Technology | 集成电路(IC) | DigiKey
来自 Microchip Technology 的 AT90USB162-16AU – AVR AVR® 90USB 微控制器 IC 8 位 16MHz 16KB(16K x 8) 闪存 32-TQFP(7x7)。 DigiKey 提供数以百万计电子元器件的定价和供应信息。
This USB bootloader allows to perform In-System Programming from an USB host controller without removing the part from the system or without a pre-programmed application, and without any external programming interface.
Connect the AT90USB board (STK525, AT90USBKey...) to the PC using the USB cable (Standard A to Mini B). If your hardware conditions explained above are correct, a new device detection wizard will be displayed.
8位MCU中的佼佼者——AT90USB KEY2套件评测 - 21ic电子网
2016年7月21日 · AT90USBKEY2是一种低成本的基于AT90USB1287 (AT90S系列)单片机的开发套件。 它允许工程师或者学习者快速评价AVR微控制器和AT90USB家族。 将板卡直接连接到个人电脑的USB接口就可以实现快速检索相关文档,因此工程师可以较方便的运行演示程序或他们自己的应用程序。 让我们一起看看 AT90USBKEY 2的真容吧。 一、开箱. 各大半导体公司的开发套件都有着自己的特点和风格。 例如STMicroelectronics的板卡大多采用透明包装、Freescale的板 …
AT90USB1286-AUR MICROCHIP, 8位 MCU微控制单元, AT90 Family AT90USB …
AT90USB1286-AUR is a high-performance, low-power Microchip 8bit AVR RISC-based microcontroller combines 128KB ISP flash memory with read-while-write capabilities, 4KB EEPROM, 8KB SRAM, 48 general purpose I/O lines, 32 general purpose working registers, real-time counter, 4 flexible timer/counters with compare modes and PWM, USART, byte-oriented ...
AT90USB(64x,128x) Summary Datasheet by Microchip Technology
View datasheets for AT90USB(64x,128x) Summary by Microchip Technology and other related components here.
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