ATB | Start Page - atb-motors.com
ATB rank among the leading manufacturers of electrical drive systems for power generation and renewables. Together we develop the most efficient solutions for our clients. ATB represents safety and efficiency in the oil, gas and chemical industries. Our motors for hazardous atmospheres ensure that raw materials are handled safely.
Originated in 1919 as electro-technical workshop and started production of electric motors in Stuttgart, Germany. Today, the head office of ATB Antriebstechnik AG is located in Austria. The Group ranks among the leading global suppliers of electric drive systems for industrial applications and home appliances.
ATB | ATB Products - atb-motors.com
Addressing key global challenges by offering energy-efficient electric motor and drive solutions.
ATB | 关于 ATB - atb-motors.com
ATB Austria Antriebstechnik AG 公司的历史可以追溯到 90 多年前。 今天,集团已发展成为工业和家用电驱动系统领域全球领先的供应商之一。 ATB 集团的产品范围非常广泛,从 25W 到 25MW 的产品一应俱全,包括标准解决方案、定制解决方案和设计到订单解决方案(包括为 ...
2025年2月25日 · ATB MOTORS是ATB集团的战略投资者和强有力的合作伙伴,拥有100%的股权。 产业金融集团卧龙控股集团有限公司是国家认定的重点企业之*,也是中国市场**的电动机制造商之*。 卧龙拥有多年的专业经验以及与国际**公司的密切合作。 我们是节能驱动*域的*驱。 ATB 电机不仅有助于节省能源,而且还能长期降低能源成本。 我们的技术**优势正在不断扩大。 基于我们在欧洲良好的市场地位,我们希望凭借创新的解决方案开拓新的市场。 [详细介绍] 请问,有什 …
ATB group
Discover cutting-edge solutions in motor and drive technology tailored to enhance efficiency and performance. Laurence Scott and Morley are leading suppliers specialising in the engineering design and manufacturing of high and low voltage AC and DC electric motors, as well as electro-mechanical power transmission products.
ATB | 滑环电机 - atb-motors.net
防爆等级: 安全区域: 功率范围: 最大 13.2mw: 机座号: 355 - 1120: 极数: 2、4、6 及更多: ip防护等级: ip 23、ip 55: 温度等级:
ATB Electric Motor Catalog - Industrial Matrix
atb af160m/4a-11 Category: - HP: 15
ATB | 地址 - atb-motors.net
ATB 提供高能效电机和驱动解决方案,以应对关键的全球性挑战。
ATB Motors NL
ATB Motors B.V. (based in the Netherlands) is a subsidiary of the ATB Group, founded in 1982, and responsible for all commercial activities for the group in the markets Benelux, Switzerland, France, Spain, Portugal and Scandinavia.